Because of its relevant color scheme, CC couldn’t resist posting this photo of an incredibly sited Abu Dhabi home… Credits: Runway pictures via style.com except where noted. Architecture photo courtesy pointclickhome.com.
Top left: Alexander Wang channels Miami Vice with a "shorts suit" in the popular pastel hue.
At Gucci, men get in on the icy action. Photo at left via nymag.com.

Louis Vuitton showed lots of lovely light toppers for autumn.

CC covets this exquisitely detailed Valentino patent tote, pictured at left via wwd.com.

It is good colour for blondes. I dont think that I could look good in such colour :(.
I'm not such a fan of ice blue but I also noticed at the last FWs a lot and I liked it very often.
Thanks! i lovee the colours.
Beautiful and dreamy. great!
I'm not a big pastel person when it comes to clothes but I like it in jewelry.
I am so smitten with a bright turquoise! Thanks for the tag as well!!
oh pretty! I'm also one of those people that this color looks totally weird on though.
Ice blue is so beautifully.
Very nice blog too :-)
Drool! My recent colour crush is Tiffany blue.... anything lighter and I look odd, but it's such a dreamy, girly colour without being pink!
thanks for the comment, loove that nina ricci outfit <3
that's a home?!
and yes, blue was the IT color on the runways
I love that colour!!! I particularly want that Alexander Wang blazer.
Beautiful. I adore that color.
wow i love this colour! i don't agree with magia i think this colour would suit everybody! i can't wait to get a pastel blue shoes!!!
HI CC, I love your ice blue moment. Great photos. Carla
love those gucci eyes :) and the karta dress is so retro and cute!
cara mia
i can't do ice blue. pale colors wash me out, but teal on the other hand i adore. : ) have a wonderful day.
I love these soothing colors...they remind me of the wedding/bridesmaid dress that Leanne just made on PR.
Oooh, the colors in that Nina Rici outfit are AMAZING! And I'll take that Balenciaga bag from the previous post to go with it please!
oooh i love this color.. but don't think it's very flattering on me...
thanks for your lovely comment cc :) you're always such a ray of shining light. really you are.
i LOVE the MJ + the h&m clutch- i was going to buy it when i was in nyc. darn. now i wish i did.
happy monday.
i agree with u that the blue gucci guy look was fantastic ! it's just perfect !
this is such a lovely and unexpected color for the winter. I think I may be adding more blue to my wardrobe. Thanks for the inspiration!
You all can have everything else, I just want the house in Abu Dhabi. Oh, and if no one wants it I will take that last necklace. Gorgeous!!!
gorg. obviously a fan of this color as well! :)
wow too cool! That Alexander Wang suit is mine!I want it ^-^
Oh my... that is such a cool hue... reminds mo ot Tiffany and Co jewelry boxes!!!
ice-ice baby indeed...never knew that white rapper can be a post title inspiration! Told ya', I need my daily Vit CC! Hope you take Vit L too dear... ;)
Loving the cool colour... almost like the ice color in North pole...or is it South Pole??? Hmmm...whatever...
some of these pieces are very unique, esp. that last one, and the double breasted coat w/ the tortoise buttons
but I don't think I could get on board w/ the lighter hue of this color, too clashy w/ my coloring i think, and I don't have the blue eyes to pull it off
I like rich rather than faded
let's trade links already Carrie
The colour suits good to winter... But I don't like it so much as another pastel colours.
that is such a fabulous colour, i loooooove the polkadot bra!
love the Kokosalaki dress
Now that I think about it, it kind of looks like Balmain's, doesn't it?
I love this shade of blue so much! I can't wait for our fall next year here in Australia to indulge in some cool pale shades!
Amazing color... the pieces are very whimiscal, and I'd be happy to own, ohhh I don't know... all of it!
Wow, I'm lovin' this color, girl. =)
This chilling post was properly named as it gave me goosebumps.....
!!!!!\_ ...a 5 heeled post CC!
I think it's more flattering in blondes, but I do have a cashmere sweater that I've not worn in ages! I'll think about it:)
I think Ice blue=a massive dose of cool! the shades used in Lanvin and particularly Louis Vuitton were so intriguing!I love all those ice blue shades & hues as they look great thrown against a host of other colours.right from neutrals to black.This colour is uber cool!I'm on the hunt for the right piece in that colour so thanks for all the varying inspiration.
muah xx
I don't think I could ever pull off ice blue :/ It does look nice on pale- and fair-skinned people.
At the Kira Plastinina store, the clothes seemed pretty satisfactory. I had no problems with my dress, or with any other things I looked at.
this is one of my fave colors for spring and summer. i love your posts...all the different shades of a color spread out...so pretty.
What a stunning color! I love how you portray it.
i love this colour, it looks very fresh. I don't really wear it since i don't think it matches my skin-tone well. but i absolutely love the trench/jacket its gorgeous
noooooooo! first, the economy sucks.... now, pastels FOR FALL!! this world has gone crazy. oh well! i guess is our job now to make pastels look hot.
ahhhhh tooo much monochromy!
hurts my eyes!!!
I love each outfit and they are fab.
but if one day I walk out of my house and everybody is wearing the same dayum aqua green /blue I might just drive into cliff.
oh look god is wearing that color too!
Hey Carrie! These are some of my favourite shades, so light and refreshing. As usual, you posted a fabulous selection of items - I especially love all the dresses and bags.
Take care and have a great day darlin :)
I love icy colours they are so beautiful and perfect for winter... Amazing post, As for the Abu Dhabi home , OMG OMG OMG ... PERFECTIOn ... I did some research and the entire private residence is like paradise WOW
I love it! I actually just bought a teensy dusty baby blue ice skater skirt the other day. Its wool and with pleats..I think that I actually WILL go skating in it!
Great post..LOVE the bra too!
Ahhh! I love the closeup of the makeup! This is such a pretty shade of blue (:
Hi there-what a gorgeous shade! I love Wangs suit, very nice!
great post! I reckon that colour is great for summer :)
oh got.. those gloves are so pretty.
The color scheme is lovely, reminds me of delicate beginning of the summer.
but you know, I don't think that they dress up this way in abu-dabi.
I LOVE this color.
i love this color, it's beautiful. but i don't think i could wear it.
-choppy shades
I love the color but it doesn't work well with my complexion :( I do love that ice blue clutch. I think I can pull that off!
that's a colour that doesn't really suits me but i really like it..the house is just a dream
I adore the Gucci suit, wish I could convince G to rock it! I am also going to attempt the Gucci eye make-up...this isn't a colour I think I could wear head-to-toe, but for accent pieces and make-up it looks fabulous!
I am not a fun of blue colour,
but this is beautiful.
Man's suit is great!
I don't use to like pastels colours, but now there are some ones that I like a lot, such as beige/cream =D
Blue is great in dresses, altought I still prefer electric or navy blue... anyway, you have posted some very sweet designs :)
Btw, that house is amazing!! I want one like that! *.*
Great color, I love it <3
And the Gucci make up... always the best!
Love the blue, it's vert calming. I especially adore the coats and purses!
peacoat, please!
i love these shades of blue, amazing!:D
this was an amazing entry! it really helped me to appreciate the ice blue color. i too love that ice blue mini dress from iceberg and i am absolutely in rapture over that smythe ice blue peacoat. it's so perfect! i really wish i had that.
Amazing post and colors!
The best of all is Cristina Applegate's dress! I wish I could wear that!
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