Christopher Kane, left
Christian Lacroix, right

Amanda Wakeley, via nymag.com

Word to the wise (if you don’t want to look like a Witchy Woman!): Pair an orange dress with metallic accessories to avoid the Halloween effect!

Image at right and next 7 runway pics via nymag.com.

Hervé Léger

Derek Lam

Left: Marc by Marc Jacobs Cats and Dogs shoulder bag, at bluefly.com.

Right: Tory Burch Betty tote, at shopbop.com.
There is a lot here to love. I really like orange and black together and wish that it didn't have the halloweeny associations or I would often wear orange and black together.
All I can say is, I never knew black & orange can look THAT good together!
i think orange and black is a great color combo for clothing during any month of the year except october. then it just looks too costumey.
I like it! that mix...
Uff such a beautiful post. Orange everywhere. I love it!
Thanks + kss
Gracias por tu visita, a mi tambien me encanta tu blog. Besos, Lu
We don't have the pumpkin tradition in France but some of the dresses are quite stunning.
thanks for the comment. i love your header!!!
i'm not really a big fan of orange but a lot of those pieces would be great if they were in a different color.
I LOVE orange and I LOVE black... however I rarely put them together for fear of looking like HALLOWEEN.
LOVE many of these ORANGE dresses!
oooh, I love the orange!!
Must admit it's not my go-to colour combo. Of course, a sylish woman wearing a fashionable take on it can work wonders....
Orange is such a nice colour! I'll promise you that I'll try to wear it someday...
I love this post orange is amazing.I really like the Christopher Kane dress. Pink and orange is my favorite orange color combo
Couture! <3
ah cc. thanks for your beautiful-ness.
your comments are always the sweetness.
Orange is not my color!!!
I always like it when other people wear it, but it just doesn't suit me.
but these all work!
A lot of these really appeal to me. I can't even single one out, I would love to wear many of them.
haha whoa!!
I like the pop that the orange is offering here, but I know in hte states and other christian countries it'll come w/ the connotation of halloween
that's why it's good to live in Israel, where as Jews, orange and black mean absolutely nothing together
Hey Jack get over here! ...and bring a lantern!
Are you some sort of blog goddess?
Your creativity has no sag. It is consistently superb!
I love the Lacroix piece! I think the combination can look great - I've got a tina kalivas orange and black skirt which I love - I guess it all depends on the shade of Orange?
haha is victoria beckham supposed to be something? i don't think i have anything orange :D
It makes me think too much of halloween to be chic :P
hmm.. i love them separate.. but the combo is very halloween.
Hey Couture Carrie! I just saw the post that you posted of me! I completely overlooked the comment, but thank you so much, i am forever grateful! Love your previous halloween post and your pumpkin post! your blog is just amazing, and so is your taste level!
i like the combo
but i can't help but think of halloween!
Loving the orange, and so perfect for Fall! Thanks for your comments, Couture Carrie! I really want to thank you for them. Just the fact that you take the time to leave them for me, and I do read each and every single one. With lots of smiling in between! :) So I try my best to reply back. Hoping all is well. x
xo/ fashion chalet
thank you for amazing comments. :) orange is the color of the second chakra, the sexual chakra and costumes are flirtatous...
Me like orange+black combo. My favourite from these images is the that light-weight fabric maxi dress with flowers on the hem and the polka dots on the top.... Thought I think October isn't the best month for these colours lol :D
Great post.
these are some awesome combinations! i've never liked orange and black together though.. reminds me of halloween!
typically I avoid this combination but you've shown me the error of my ways. did you see gwyneth rock it twice recently?
wow! that's a lot of research. i strongly associate the colors with halloween so it's hard for me to wear without feeling like im dressed up in a costume.
i've tagged you on my blog! check it out:)
What a treat CC...
Missing a HERMES box!
i always thought i would look to much like halloween if i wore orange and black but obviously not.. afterl ooking at your post! great trend to pick up and run with! you've got a good eye :)
im loving grecian style orange. posh would look great if you couldnt see her bones through that dress.
Yay, Halloween colors. I can't pull off orange though =(
I love orange! Orange is the color of my energy.You ensemble is really gorgeous. I love the Christopher Kane gown. When is the debut of your magazine? ha! ha! If you do have one, where can I get it?
Mmmm pumpkins!
Great orange stuff :)
I used to think orange is a weird colour for outfits, but you just changed my mind! They look great!
thanks for ur commenns on my blog. urs in actually bloody amazing !
You're an amazing blogger! So often, so smart, funny!
juliet xxx
Loving the orange jumpsuit and the Ferragamo knitwear!
lol what a coincidence. I totally wore a pumpkin colored top haha!
Perfect for the impending halloween season. I hear its pretty manic over in America (which i assume you're from). Apologees if i'm wrong though! :)
orange and black has typically been a no no for me cuz of the halloween look, but some of those pieces aren't bad!
holy cow. i love orange. this is fabulous. so many people ar scared of it:)
a mí el naranja me encanta! de hecho, acabo de comprar un sofá marrón para casita!
I love orange and black!!!
And I don't associate it to Halloween because we don't celebrate it, so I'm not culturaly influenced.
It's curious.... a good social study...
i think it looks good when it's done right, like the jaeger london dress (love that collection) or the dvf.
v. beck can wear anything and still look fabulous in my book! :)
cara mia
Treat! I've always loved orange - I think it is misunderstood. xx
they are pretty awesome. marc by marc bag is cool isn't it? i can totally see myself wearing it with a pair of skinny jeans.
you have just made me rethink my views on orange...
I think it's a really cute combo but I don't know if I would be able to wear it ... it remind me tooo much of Halloween :) lol
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