Tuesday, August 26, 2008

U is for . . .

Defined in T, the New York Times Style Magazine, on April 13, 2008:

n. / a newly fetishized anatomical zone where the lower part of the breast meets the torso, popularized by ‘80s rock chicks in cutoff tank tops; recently rediscovered by girls-gone-
wild devotees and celebutantes with an appreciation for ironic excess… e.g., ''Did you see Paris's underboob on the cover of French Vogue?"
Sometimes, it is exposed by accident, as in the case of Ashlee Simpson's "oops" on the beach in May.
Photo courtesy popsugar.com.

On the runways:
Benjamin Cho, via nymag.com
Model Kat Bespyatikh,
via mmmModels.com
A swimsuit model with what CC assumes is a warbrobe malfunction (but who knows? maybe designers are doing this on purpose?).
Photo at left via celebritycrunch.com.
Increasingly, it seems, underboob is being exposed on purpose.
It has even made its way into the world of Japanimation!
Illustration via animepaper.net.
Under-boob features prominently in several Fall 2008 ad campaigns, including one for Cesare Paciotti

Underboob has become so prevalent in magazine editorials, CC hardly bats an eyelash!
At right:
The lovely Christy Turlington on the pages of W Magazine.

Gisele, also from wmagazine.com
CC is not suggesting that you run around in an ill-fitting bikini. Underboob is not a fashion trend!
It is a part of the female anatomy that has been rediscovered [not since Jane Fonda and Norma Kamali ruled the eighties have we seen such views!] and, apparently, put to use as a vehicle for selling clothes! What intrigues CC where this newly (re)fetishized zone is concerned is the fine line between artistry and pornography . . . How do you feel about underboob and its increasing presence in fashion?


Elizabeth said...

Here's a trend I could do without.

Lisa said...

Maybe it's not so much a trend as a test of what the advertisers and photographers can get away with, i.e. as long as there's no nipplage it's okay.

Really enjoying your ABCs of fall fashion!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i rock this trend unintentionally every time i hit the beach. oops.

Anastacia said...

Well, i really hope it doesn't hit the streets, lol, i find a bare midfrif enough of a problem! I like crop tops however, just not that cropped, not that there is any danger of me having an underboob. Is that the new Vogue Paris, because when the hell did Paris Hilton get cool?

Couture Carrie said...

Hello lovelies!

I should have specified - that Paris Vogue cover is from 2006!


michelle said...

Lol! Not many can pull it off :P

Sharon said...

Hi Couture carrie-the models do this look to perfection, but not a look for us mere mortals!!

El Notable said...

Mmm it does look like a faux pas or just a pose assumed by models for some photoshoot... Btw, I love ur blog! bye bye!

MakeupByRenRen said...

LOL that is definitely a new term for me...i agree...fashion don't!

Estibalitz Diaz de Durana Arias said...

Thanks for your visit and comment!!
it's a pleasure to you "around"!

all the best

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

It's just another way for the fashion industry to push the limits of acceptability. At the end of the day it's just, as you said, the female anatomy. Definitely interesting how it's being fetishized though!

Unknown said...

I gotta say, I kinda like the Paris cover.

Da Fashionista said...

mr. d is a big big big fan.

WendyB said...

When done purposefully for an editorial I think it's very sex-ay. When it's the result of a real-life ill-fitting bandeau bikini top, I hate it. Actually, I hate those bandeau bikini tops in general.

Alison Purple said...

For fashion - I think it is no good...but I have to say it is HOT.

get dressed! said...

Underboob is not for me, thank you!

Dropsofglamour said...

Lol! It's the new cleavage...hope no one tries to intentionally do this in public now.

cool blog!!

Shes Dressing Up said...

The underboob haha!
Its certainly provocative!

. said...

One thing for models to do it - not something I'd walk around doing haha.

Anthea said...

Eek! I'm not sure..you are very observant. I never even noticed! On the topic of cropped tops check out this bloggers take :


Seeker said...

Well, I'm not feeling that much in fashion, I think it's a way to force things.
As for real life... hate it.


Fifi Flowers said...

LOL... the older you get it is hard to see under da boob! Of course, a little surgery and it can come back... LOL

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Yuck I'm not a fan of the underboob but interesting blog!

Little Bow Prep said...

I'm not a fan. At least I definitely would not wear it.

Marian said...

You know darling,i no longer wince when I come across an editorial image with the under boobage(great name huh ;o) as its everywhere. Thing is I like the feel of the Gisele B shoot with it but i think its been over done now,all on the catwalks and all over. Apparently its supposedly more edgier than spillage/cleavage but its just them using the old sex sells trick once again.
Carrie how did I ever live without your blog dear!I wait patiently till your next post!

Anonymous said...

"Underboob is not a fashion trend!"
Uff! Thank God hahaha
I was gone for quite a long time, but I'm back now.
Wait a minute... this is letter U already??
Seems like I got some updates to go through.

Anonymous said...

As long as it's kept in editorials and the catwalk and doesn't spread to the streets then it's ok by me!

shopinchic said...

Ill-fitting apparel is never an
option. How could anyone be
comfortable like that?

Sienna said...

I'll pass on this trend.haha

jess said...

Underboo isn't my taste it is fun to say though

Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

What and original post! Not a fan of the underbob though

K.Line said...

Oooh, nervy use of the letter U, CC! :-) Something tells me Sesame Street would not approve! This is a look that, I suppose, might work if you have the best tits in the world and the best scrap of fabric covering half of them up. And a tan. But, really, it's got limited appeal. Very creative post...

Cammila said...

Haha, usually I say that people who poo-poo on sexy trends are being prudish, but under-boob is just a full-on flash in the making.

Mrs.French said...

sexy...but not on me.

Miranda said...

in the ads i'm sure it's all for commercial reasons. as for the runways... who knows? hahaha

as long as it doesn't become a trend, i think we'll be okay. ;)

queengilda said...

HAHAAH the picture of the anime girl in the middle of all that made me laugh a little.

never mind the other photos, but how did vogue allow that on their covers? i think that cover is so... blah. i mean, yeah yeah her name is paris too and i do like her and amazingly she doesn't annoy me, but i love french vogue, and to see this on a vogue cover is just slightly depressing.

esme and the laneway said...

I guess it's just another oops-accidently-on-purpose exposing to make images more... appealing? Definitely not something I'll be sporting!

Jal said...

That Vogue cover is upsetting!

Anonymous said...

Nope, not a fan of the underboob.

♥ Marta ♥ said...

I don't know... it looks awesome in a mag but in real life I'm not too sure, especially when it comes to bathing suits....:S P.S. i hope that this trend does not become popular in night clubs, it's already bad as it is, lol

tessa said...

I CAN'T definitely pull that off...

ashleigh said...

haha not something i'll be embarking on. and paris hilton on the cover of vogue? she's got terrible fashion.

interesting read though :)


pumps & luiers said...

In adds I think it's ok, but in real life: let just say: I'm not going to walk around with an underboob visible!

Anonymous said...

:'D, and remember it's best friend VLP.

juliet xxx

Style Spot said...

I'm really loving your ABC's for fall! I wouldn't wear this, but I do think that it suits many of the girls in these photos. Great post as always, dear!


Sara Morante said...

Did those models breast-feeding???

Songy said...

great eye candy post! just hope that I don't make a mistake of showing off mine unintentionally. :)

VIVI said...

It's very sexy this part of our body, but you ahve to be young to have all in place.

La Clocharde said...

That was the tackiest French Vogue cover ever...uh, actually...that was, in my opinion, the first and only time French Vogue could be defined as tacky...but it really was. I mean...underboob?? Paris Hilton as cover girl?? Paris Hilton underboob?? I never understood the purpose of all this...maybe Mrs. Roitfeld was on holidays...who knows.

I've been out for a while. But kept reading your fantastic blog as much as I could. You're great!

Myriam said...

Haha! Maybe I'll start a new trend and wear this at work..not!

Fashion_Girl22 said...

Oh how clever. Hopefully this trend won't catch on. Its very very tastfuly do in editorials though. ^_^

Guapóloga said...

Bueno, no es mi estilo, definitivamente. Si ya lucho porque se conserven en su lugar, adems dejarlas al aire... No, gracias, paso, he he he.


Sara Morante said...

Simone... Y qué frío, no??? :)))

Get this "freezzzzzz" feeling just by seeing the pics!

we wear things said...
