Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Guest Blogger Laura of Under the Sheets-shhh!

10 Questions for fabulous West coast Fellow Fashionista Laura of Under the Sheets-shhh!:

1) What are your fashion icons and whom would you interview if you had the chance?
Some of my favorite icons are: Audrey Hepburn, Jackie O, Twiggy, Grace Kelly and
Kate Moss (as a current fashion icon). I would love to sit down and interview Twiggy, as she was an icon from my parents’ era that changed the world of fashion. Twiggy’s fab 60’s style encouraged many women to cut their hair, put on a mini skirt and work some false eyelashes.

2) What piece of clothing could you not live without?
I could not live without my cashmere, gray and long sleeved wrap. I take great care of it and always delicately hand wash it. My theory is if I take really good care of my wrap, then it will wrap me in its warmth and never complain.

3) What is your definition of couture?
My definition of couture is 'the business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, clothing'. (Wearing couture can be a totally different challenge.)

4) Your thoughts on east vs. west coast style
East coast style is more structured and West coast style is more laid-back. Each is unique because of the climates that the fabulous people live in. What’s my own east coast vs. west coast faux pas? I remember wearing a purple scarf, while I was traveling in New York City. Everyone else was wearing dark clothes, but I felt I needed a little color. Almost every New Yorker asked me where I was visiting from. Not to worry - I told them Queens, New York.

5) Your advice on how to be comfortable in your own skin.
It can take awhile to become comfortable in ones skin, but when you finally feel comfortable, it can feel like all the pieces of the puzzle have fallen in place. Accept that you were made this way and are totally unique. Accept you for being as wonderful as you are.

6) Specific pieces for San Francisco.
Knee high boots, razor back tanks, clutches, hobo wallets, oversized sunglasses, layered sweaters and cropped jackets. A white trench coat is also a must have. For the ever-changing climate, fashionable scarves can brighten up any foggy day. I own at lease ten of them from high-end scarves to sparkly and fun. And the two most specific pieces to carry while you are in San Francisco? Rainboots (wellies) and umbrellas.

7) Growing up, what did you want to be?
I wanted to be either a prima ballerina or a child psychologist. I always thought of myself as an extrovert who could also be very self-reflective. I feel in love with ballet and hoped that I could make it my career (I did dance successfully for many years, but some knee surgeries showed me that I needed to reevaluate my career goals). At the same time, I enjoyed listening to friend’s problems and giving them helpful advice.

8) Where do you get the inspiration for your posts?
I seem to get my inspiration for my posts through my experiences. I carry a notebook with me and write down everything that inspires me. And now, I am known to say out loud, “What a great idea for a post.” There is so much inspiration around you. I love to write about it and share it with all of you. Why did I start writing? I wanted to talk about hope and inspiration in my posts. No matter what has happened to me, I have found peace and learned from the experiences.

9) Blogging 101 advice. How to become successful in the blog world.
To become successful in the blog world? You have to stay true to yourself and give back to the blogging community. Another tip is to always think of your audience while writing. Try to build relationships with other writers that you admire. That’s what I did with Carrie =)

10) How would you rock out on the catwalk?
If I was going to walk the catwalk, then I would wear a pair of oversized sunglasses, my hair would be slicked back and I would try to wear any dress by Stella McCartney. The music needs to have a wonderful beat, I would drink a half a glass of liquid courage and pause at the end of the runway to soak it all in. I’d carry my confidence in my signature walk and my passion in my smile, with the off-center dimples of course!
Thank you Couture Carrie for the Interview. I had a lot of fun.
~Laura (Under the Sheets-shhh)
Be sure to check out CC’s feature on Laura’s blog today, too ~ click here!


Susanna-Cole King said...

Great interview, especially agree with the answer to question number 9, about staying true to yourself and giving back to the blogging community. :)


Jim @ CoolStuffForDads.com said...

Another great interview! I am glad I finally learned the definition of Couture, Carrie.

Anonymous said...

What a fun post!

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

Beautiful answers!! We have the same icons,;-)). gorgeous pics!

Laura said...

Thank you CC! You interview is wonderful. We must do this again soon =)

www.janetteria.com said...

Oooo, cashmere i adore it too... :)

Great interwiew!


Dani @ Weddings Fresh said...

great interview!

C.Elizabeth and Natalia said...

You always have ways to entertain your reader! This is why I like your blog so much!


Swetha said...

i loved those goggles... it was superb!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, love my daily dosis of Couture!

Mai said...

Nice interview Carrie!

Becca. said...

great interview. :)
i love your style icons too, they are truely inspirational xx

Aline said...

fabulous feature...I will have to check out her blog!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Fabulous interview! So excited to check out another fashionista!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

east vs west coast style...I'm all about east west north & south darling...and anything in between too- it's all about balance & diversity no?! ;) ~Lovely week CC!

Pau(Rox) said...

Nice interview ;)

Stephanie Clayton said...

Another fantastic post! I enjoyed reading the interview.
Also I really love your new header photo. I think it's my favorite so far!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

loved this interview, CC! I adore that wrap too!

WendyB said...

I swear, everyone is all about the gray sweater :-)

Angela said...

what a great interview. i totally agree about the east/west coast styles. Living in Boston before, I find myself dressing up more than here in So. Cal.

OmnisLucis said...

i like the imagery of the catwalk look!

Dream Sequins said...

What a wonderful interview/guest post! I love these slices of life... And I did find myself nodding through some of her answers, so I'll have to go check out her style! :)

Peter Breese said...

Wonderful, great thoughts and comments.

The Little Fashion Treasury said...

Hi sweet CC!!!

Finally back from my weekend trip ;)
Some people might say Twiggy was too skinny
but nevertheless... she looked F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!


zupu said...

Such a lovely and inspiring interview, grazie for both of you!

Meg said...

Great interview. I love the idea of loving your clothes and treating them right so they never complain.

mysterious style said...

i love the switter! its of which cretor because i serach one since a long time and i dont find THE ONE and now this switter i love it!

Lisa said...

Great Q&A! I love her observations about West vs. East coast style.

erika sorocco said...

What gorgeous pictures; and what a fun interview! :)

Rebirth said...

i like the whole swapping interview..... shes so right about being comfy in ur own skin.... we are all unique!
u also had a great interview on her blog.....
guess i have to buy a lot of balck if im still going to move to NY

Anonymous said...

Amazing new header darling !!!
And I love this featured post ;D

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

nice interview. it is always nice to get another perspective on fashion especially since west coast and east coast fashion is so different.

Rachel Follett said...

Awesome interview!

HoneyBunny said...

Great post, honey! I love the answers:)
I adooore Twiggy:))

La Belette Rouge said...

Fun post! Fantastic interview!

zoe aka drinkupthefashion said...

this interview was fun to read, i love when she said she would drink half a glass of liquid courage for the runway :D

Unknown said...

oooh fabulous interview! great take on east coast vs west coast fashion.. to each their own.. and fabulously so.

abby jenkins said...

Love love love! I want to climb in to some cashmere pajamas and read all your entries! What a great blog!

freeteyme said...

Another great interview CC! Will check your feature in her blog next =)

Syed said...

What a fantastic interview :) Interviewing Twiggy would be so amazing! Ooh and the long sleeve wrap sounds so lovely. And what a beautiful answer to 5 :)

Children of the 90s said...

Great interview, I love all of the pics!

ChikitaRosemarie said...

great thing to do with other bloggers.. it seems like so much fun! :D

and i love the answer no.9 ;)

neways, a cashmere cardigan is a must!! i always pay more attention to those stuffs, especially when i do the laundry..

Hek said...

Good interview, and beautiful pics:)

Terence Sambo said...

i carry a notebook everywhere..ok not really but i always have a pen :o] never know wat u might need to jot down. I get inspiration from my post while surfing online stores or other blogs :o]

P.s: i had d privilege to interview Duckie Brown, do drop by n show some love :o]

Unknown said...

Great interview. Everyone should do these kind of posts lol xoxoox

3 Bay B Chicks said...

What an absolutely fun and fabulous post exchange. As a long time devotee of Laura's, I was thrilled to happen upon your guest post on her site today.

What a great fashion find for me. I couldn't agree more with you re your thoughts on couture. It is an art form, through and through.


CAMILLE said...

ooh i love blogger interviews...going to check this one out, never heard of it

camille x

Lydia said...

I love that picture when you first look at your blog!

jess said...

Great interview,I love Audrey Hepburn and twiggy.

Annie Spandex said...

Off to check her out!

Keith said...

This was such a cool interview. I loved the photos. The one of Twiggy was my favorite.

Wanderlusting said...

Neat interview - I too love Grace Kelly and Twiggy and dig San Fran style.

So true about being generous in the blogging community - too many bloggers forget that when they become "big"


Unknown said...

I just came across your blog and I think its great!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I love her blog, and I am so impressed with her definition of couture! I am never able to define it so eloquently!

Another fab header! I want to go to a pool party like that!


Amelia said...

Twiggy is the best! I love this interview :)

Eda said...

Great interview!

Gєммα;∂ιℓєммα. said...

Great interview. Lovely questions.

I love Audrey Hepburn too haha.

What fun.


Awesome post :))

chauss said...

nice interview1 :)

Kira Aderne said...

I love her icons too!!

Marian said...

darling what a great idea for this lovely post. I have never read her blog, but I now will as she sounds simply lovey!
big kiss,

Unknown said...

what a great interview! I love this series that you do...it's great to hear other people's thoughts and also to be introduced to other bloggers!

loft in SoHo said...

Great interview CC!
I love the answers and all the images,


Daniela Valdez said...

Great interview CC!!

I love your new banner :)

Gabbi said...

Amazing guest bloggers! I loved reading both your answers... xo

noooooooooo said...

WOW CC!!!...i love your interviews. Your questions are always so apt!

Amazing Style said...

that grey suite looks so confortable. i like it very much. i have always wanted to have one but i always end up buying unconfortable sexy clothes