Saturday, January 31, 2009

CC's Personal Style - TAG!

CC has been tagged by the wonderful Chloe of Heart-Shaped Morning with the following Interview… So fun!
Describe your personal style.
My style is sophisticated and edgy. In my 20s, I was a lawyer and dressed quite conservatively. During that time, I stocked up on necessities like Donna Karan suits and durable handbags and shoes that would stand the test of time. I pride myself on luxe, timeless accessories like Pedro Garcia* satin peep toes and vintage Gucci Jackie bags. *Gray sandals at left available at
Now, in my 30s, I am, ironically, a tad more adventurous in how I dress. I love millinery and adore throwing on a fabulous feathered cap with any old outfit. I live in skinny pants and boy blazers. For dress-up, I favor micro mini dresses and fabulous patterned or American Apparel Latex tights. I almost always don high heels, even though I’m 5’10”… I love to be super tall!

What are the staples in your wardrobe?
- Loeffler Randall flat boots - that’s CC on the left wearing said footwear; my sis is on the right.
- Amazing heels by Pierre Hardy, Jean-Michel Cazabat, Dolce & Gabbana, Moschino and Prada
- Ultra-dark rinse jeans: skinny, straight, and boot cut – currently loving Superfine!
- Backless tops & dresses by Rachel Pally (dress at right available at
- Fabulous lingerie by Elle Macpherson, I.D. Sarrieri and Kiki de Montparnasse [ image at left]
- Bags by Fendi, Sissi Rossi, Rodo, Botkier & Calvin Klein
- Extra long tanks from Old Navy
- Boyshorts and waffle tees from Forever 21
- Stockingirl tights
- Hanky Panky low-rise thongs
- Newsboy caps from Urban Outfitters and Target
- Smythe, Wyeth, Ya-Ya and LaROK blazers

What's your signature look?
Rarely am I seen in public [in cooler months, anyway] wearing something other than high-heeled boots, J Brand skinnies, a fabulous patterned tunic or T-Bags dress, and an ultra-fitted blazer. Add a handbag by Botkier or Luella, fingerless gloves and a fab fedora and I’m good to go!

What inspires you?
Art; poetry; magazine ads and editorials; my Fellow Fashionistas [at left: Nina Ricci SS09 as rendered in watercolor by Artist Emily of EmilySoEnchanted]; my niece Teagan (who is only 3 but has an amazing sense of style!); and gorgeous, well-dressed models like Natasha Poly (pictured at top of post courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Moment – link below!).

Who is your fashion muse?
There are quite a few: Chloe Sevigny, Kate Moss (below, via, Sienna Miller, and the Olsens.

Favorite purchase of all time?
Brian Atwood jeweled brown suede d’Orsay peep toe pumps... They are unique, timeless, glamorous and shockingly comfortable!

Biggest splurge?
A St. John black knit military coat with gold buttons and a self-belt. Goes with anything and has been an integral part of CC's wardrobe for 10+ years now!

What's your beauty routine?
A bit of blush and bronzer and a little mascara; I curl my lashes with a heated eyelash curler – just blast it with the blow dryer for 8-10 seconds and the curl is so much better and more lasting! When I want to get really dolled up, I do a fun shadow like this luscious periwinkle at Valentino Couture (via
What jewelry do you never take off?
My gold first-finger ring, given to me by my sister, and a heavy gold chain link bracelet from Ross-Simons.

What are you wishing for?
1) In terms of world peace and all that: for the U.S. (nay, global!) economy to get a major booster shot.
2) CC wants to do their EXTRA20 off sale purchases!
3) Personally, am hoping to ace my GREs and get into Columbia’s Journalism Ph.D. program!

What are your obsessions?
- Facebook; yes, CC was a myspace girl until a few days ago!
- 80% cocoa dark chocolate
- avocados
- American Apparel jersey scarves
- Elle Décor magazine (house at right via
- Tie-dye, acidwash, neon Ray-Bans and various other horrid 80s trends that I swore I’d never revisit! CC just ordered this Torn by Ronny Kobo dress, 70% off at
- Crate & Barrel beds – CC is redecorating and just fell in love with this pewter canopy!
- Starbucks vanilla powder … Why don’t they sell this stuff by the jar anymore? It’s more rare than sevruga!
- Clip-in hair extensions by Hair-Do (yes, the Ken Paves and Jessica Simpson line - they are fabulous!)
- organic baby blueberries
- Anything Balmain (studded blazer at

CC is tagging the following Fellow Fashionistas whose style, wit and intelligence are among the best in the blogosphere. Enjoy the Interview and pass it on to several Fellow Fashionistas, darlings!
Fashion Moment
Anika of African Tea Party
Frankie of Swell Vintage
Janet of Janetteria
And anyone else who is interested!

Enjoy, darlings!



hollyshambles.x said...

fantastic post, as always :) x

Frankie said...

Very interesting! Thank you for the tag, lovely. I shall give it a go later! x

Nazarina A said...

Wow, you have a beautiful personal style and I am sure turn many heads!

Seeker said...

Oh I love all this. Thank you for sharing and I love the pictures where you're in, beautiful.

I've a little something for you in my blog.

Have a great weekend


Angela said...

what a great post. if i buy a new place, i will want a canopy bed too. cool you are going back to school for your phd. i have been thinking about going back to get a mba at USC or UCLA(don't want to leave so. cal) but don't know if i will really use it for the future.

Baybay Mama said...

Geat Q and A. CC, you are the go to gal for a lot of us so it's great seeing what you are into and I LOVE that when the questioneer asked 'what do you wish for' you thought of the world and peace. I have loads of respect for that.

Rebirth said...

i love ur style and blog!!!!!!!!! said...

Thank U for the tag, darling CC! My next post prepares from this! :)

Fab post!

xoxo: Janet

Lisa said...

It was fantastic learning more about you. And welcome to Facebook! Now you know how us Crackbook addicts spend so much time on the Internet doing nothing. ;)

Raquel said...

it's very nice to know more about you!

Syed said...

I absolutely love those satin peep toes and the green backless dress! And yay for being tall lol. Starbuck vanilla powder is amazinnnng!! And I have recently become a bit of a facebook addict, I never really used to pay it much attention, but it seems to creep onto one and refuse to let go.

Daniela Valdez said...

Oh, you have a face now CC, I'm glad to know you! (Remember you're the next Vogue editor, so I must know your face :)

I love those pics of Kate Moss!

Kelly said...

awesome post! lots of interesting tidbits! wow, you are lucky to be so tall!

Fashion Moment said...

Thank you darling! :)
And, thank you for this post.
I am Scorpio, and I just need to use one word - sophisticated. Style is eternal.
But, after my mother dead, I drown in black colour. Style IS style, but anyone can not express himself without colours. Absolutely favourite post, darling!


leeselooks said...

THANKS for the wonderful peep into your beautiful + fashionable self!

you are way too sweeeeeeeeet!

have a fabulous weekend.


T said...

Fabulous - I love the ways you described your style.

Allison said...

It's nice to get an insight into what makes up your personal style!
I'm so glad we share our common love of the Olsens, Kate Moss, Starbucks and Facebook CC!
Oh, and I think it's wonderful you're going to get your PhD! How exciting for you.
Have a marvelous weekend, darling!

Doll legs said...

This is so nice!! love this post!!

oniomania said...

ohhh... finally see what you look like. beautiful :).
ps facebook is the best!!!

Make Do Style said...

All very revealing and interesting!

MJ. said...

Wow! Now I Know something more about u!! I'm the tallest of my friends (5 9 vs. 5 4...) and I still wear high heels while they always use flats...It was kind of frustrating at first, but heels are so beautiful...

And I'm sure u'll get into Columbia's!!Suuuuuure!!


Kati said...

I love the interview!

Carolina Lange said...

You have a gorgeous personal style!
Great post!

Anonymous said...

Love the interview. Love your style!

Nemerae said...

Great interview!! this way we can know more about yourself and that's really interesting :)
Btw, between my obsessions are also Starbucks and Balmain haha

Molly said...

i loved this- i do like posts!
oh thats great that you stocked up early on classics- means you can have more fun later :)


me encanto la bolsa verde y el blazer blanco muy bonitos gracias por pasarte por mi blog


Great answers. What a fab post. Pretty as always, both you and your blog! =]

CC! xxxx

thenebulosegirl said...

I LOTE Kate's photo is AMAZING.

The Beatnik said...

Great post! I love it! And I love your splurge! Hahaha. Great style and blog! :)

WendyB said...

Very interesting! Good post. I too have gotten more adventurous as I've gotten older.

Ariella said...

Very interesting to read :) your style sounds great !

ceecee said...

Hi CC!
So fun to read your interview and to see a photo of you! Great style!

Cait said...

fantastic interview!! I love that you are 5'10" and still wear heals. I'm 5'11" and scared to wear anything other than flats

amy said...

I love the way you put your pictures, and blog together. And I also love your musings, thoughts, and photographs. Very inspirational. I thank you for staying true, and being a great source of inspiration for me.. Thank you thankk you thank you

talk to you
peace and love

shopinchic said...

Great post! Who doesn't love Starbucks?

Shay said...

aw, it was nice to have a peek into your personal style, cheers!

Anonymous said...

I really like those paisley stockings... where can one buy them? These are great finds Carrie = )

Gabbi said...

Wonderful interview dear CC!xoxo

Candidly Chris said...

CC you're absolutely beautiful!

Great post - I love it, and may just have to steal this one myself :-)

cheers from seattle,
emerald dandy

brooke said...

Hey, thanks for your comment on my blog :)

I loved the description of your signature style, it sounds so simple but chic and could be so varied in terms of colour, casual/dressiness, etc.

I'm the tallest of my friends and I wear heels all the time. Not if we are walking around heaps (ie, a big shopping trip), but definitely to dinner or movies.

Great post!

brooke xx

SparkleQueen said...

:D I love that you included your personal style. :) thank you so much for including my art in your blog!


Sharon said...

Hi there-such a fabulous post, you have great style and I loved hearing more info about yourself too!

Anonymous said...

Wow CC, this was super fun and interesting to read! I love that picture of you and your sister, you're both gorgeous.

I'm sure you could accomplish any dream on your life.

Btw, nice header and profile pic!

Have a nice week,

Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

thanks for having me on your blog, again, it really strokes my ego ;))

and of course you have a wonderful compilation of fashion in your latest post (as always)!

Anika said...

I loved the insight into what makes CC, well....CC :)

And loved the uber-style confidence attached, bella! (esp loving the knee high tan boots, yum)

Thanks for tagging me...I promise to get to it in the next few days :)

Have a great week :)

mysterious style said...

your new pic is beautifuls ^^
and thanx sweety for your com :)

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

oh CC! i LOVED reading every word and learning more about you! i had no idea you were a tall giraffe! haha i am like you - tall and contunie to wear high high heels!

that Balmain blazer will now be in my dreams tonight!

love your style.

love LM xx

Anonymous said...

Long time to see your blog!!
Really like a newspaper!!
I will know something new;)

Best Regards.

Fashion Addict said...

Facebook is definitely an obsession of mine too! Those photos are Kate Moss are really cute!

Anonymous said...

Stunning, I love to learn more about you and your taste !

Vintage Lollipops said...

Oh, I just loved this!
Such a fun read... xxx

FB @ said...

Being able to pull of a fedora? AWESOME :)

I envy girls who can do that. I think they look fabulous.

Fabulously Broke in the City

"Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver."

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

have loved reading this post, always really nice to find out more about the amazing bloggers behind the screen!

ps. i've also added you to my fav blog list, hope that's ok. x

K.Line said...

I LOVE this post. Great to find out about all the special CC style tricks.

zoe aka drinkupthefashion said...

i too love avocados. it was so fun to learn more about you. i am so jealous of your height! :) i'd be fine at 5 foot 9. i'm 18 so a growth spurt is probably out of the question but if i could shoot up to 5 foot 9 for no apparent reason i'd love it.

Stina said...

Great blog! I love all the pictures and tips!


*the mama said...

cute pic of the girls! t-bag will be honored to know she was mentioned!

some gorgeous stuff by the way ;)
xo, a

Camille said...

Your personal style is as fantastic as your posts! Always a pleasure to see.

Unknown said...

if you like the fashion illustrations I have a blog about my fashion illustrations.
Cool blog!!