Sunday, December 27, 2009

Awards & 7 Interesting Things:

Honored by the fabulous FashionJazz, the divine Petra of Voyages en Rose, and the darling Nina of Ballerina's Closet Obsession ~ thank you, my dears!
And now, for 7 Interesting Things about CC:
1) I am a rabid overdresser.
2) I looove the cold, especially when it snows! This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Monica of Ciao, Chessa!
3) At the tender age of 10, I learned Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. It is traditionally done with square paper but I couldn’t resist posting this dollar bill shirt!
4) It is nearly impossible for me to find shoes, as I am a size (gulp!) 41. Just got these amazing zipper detail boots on sale at ~ thank goodness Paul & Joe Sister make an 11!
5) I speak fluent Spanish. I was a Spanish and Art History major at Emory University and taught high school Spanish in New York City for 5 years.
6) I am addicted to the song “Fireflies” by Owl City. Addicted.
7) I flew DG’s plane (for about 5 seconds, but that counts, right?).
Also received this gorgeous award from The Society of Style. Thank you, doll!
CC is passing on these two lovely awards to the following Fellow Fashionistas:
A Piece of Passion – for her amazing imagery.
Hottest Heels – for her delightful daily shoe posts and her amazing comments.
Delight by Design – for her flawless aesthetic.
Class and Fab – for her wonderful runway and street style trend distillations.
Congrats, darlings!



Oh thanks Carrie, this made my day :)



Alison Kinsey said...

Thank you Carrie for your comment on my entry! I loved reading this post, those zipper detail booties are HOT! I saw a similar pair at Marshalls by Michael Kors but they weren't my size :( Hate when that happens! Have a fab weekend!


stilettolover91 said...

Congrats on your awards!!!! I love your seven things, and absolutely love those new zipper booties you got!!! Would love to see some pics of you modeling them ;) Great post!!!

stilettolover91 said...

OMG, i just got ur comment about the award and totally missed it :( thank you sooooo much!!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Nice post Carrie!

stilettolover91 said...

P.S: I tweeted about u giving me the award and made a new post on my blog hope you will check it out ;)

Siru said...

You deserve all this! Interesting facts!

juliet xxx

Taryn said...

congrats on all the awards, I always find your blog really inspiring!


I really liked reading some different tidbits about you Carrie! I used to speak fluent Spanish also and immersed myself in it for 4 years. When I was in high school I desperately wanted to attend Emory as a communications major, but I stayed in my hometown area. I hate the cold though so we differ in that area. I have pretty big feet, but not as big as yours (39-39.5)=) So happy you found some cute shoes at Shopbop! This was one of my favorite posts of yours! xoxo

Sweety P said...

Lovely post!

erika sorocco said...

Congratulations on the award, darling!!

Overdressing is one of the best parts of living; and Owl City's "Fireflies"...j'adore!! :) said...

WOW! I'm love reading CC's facts as always. :-) Love Ur zipper booties and I also love sooo Paul&Joe. This is a great brand and yes it make a size of 36-41, if I know. I have a 35,5-36 size of shoe, but I always buy 37 in boots. ;-)


Petra Bellejambes said...

Chere CC,

Always lovely to get to know a new little thing or two about you.

I really do hope for the sake of some fortunate kids that you go back to teaching some day. Little people should have terrfic teacher-crushes, and you would be a topper.

xoxo - Petra

Iñaki said...

Can you do the origamis shirt as a Christmas present for me, please?
Oh, and could you make it with a hundred?


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

So nice to find out more abt you darling...origami & teacher! You are in a way still a teacher in a way...
Fab Sunday CC~

Helen said...

Many dimensions to you Ms. CC! I loved this post.

Marian said...

your awards are utterly deserved honey! love those tidbits about you! Paul and Joe sister are life savers for making larger sizes in my book! Those booties are hot!

big kiss CC

Jen Hsieh said...

congrats on your lovely awards :) i love that dollar bill shirt and i also love fireflies. listen to their older songs, they're also great :)

Make Do Style said...

How brilliant to be a rabid over dresser - a great asset!

Belle de Ville said...


Anonymous said...

What a fun post darling!

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Congrats darling! It's great to know a little bit more about you...I am size 39 but I have the same shoe issue in China LOL.

Enjoy the holiday time, much love: Evi

Treacle said...

How fun! I love learning more about you. :-)

HiFashion said...

Congrats on the award!! Very well deserved. I loved your 7 things. Being an overdresser is such a great thing to get into.

Unknown said...

congrads on your awards. you deserve them x

For all things fashion:

Anonymous said...

You just made my week! Thank you so much for the awards!! :)

I love this post, so fun! Origami is very cool, and I love Owl City! Those boots are great as well.

Grace said...

If it makes you feel better about having big feet, they usually have more selection when it comes to the clearance room.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your posts. You sling together look sand concepts that are now and fun to look at. Thank you.

Iva Messy said...

LOL!!! this was so fun CC!! and I thought I was a big foot...but you beat me by a hair ;)

Elaine said...

Congrats on your awards!!! Loved reading these tidbits about you!

Nuheila said...

Gongrats on your awards!


iris said...

hi carrie! I was going to leave you a comment because I think you have a lovely blog here:)
y qué casualidad que justo en este post hayas dicho que hablas español, genial! aunque me da igual escribirte en inglés.
a mi también me pasaron este award, lo haré en mi próximo post.
un beso desde madrid!

Life At Victoria House said...

Well done on the awards :) <3

Yazmin said...

Congrates on your award! Recently started following you and love your blog xxx

Pink Links said...


You are full of surprises. You speak fluent Spanish. It's a very beautiful language, which I only speak couple of words.

You are so interesting person.


Corteygrif said...

congrats for the award,you deserve a lot,your blog are a big inspiration with a lot of knews.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Happy hollidays.

Maria Tavares said...

The first picture is soooo cute! Great post. :D

Katy Mary said...

What a great post CC! Love that your are fluent in Spanish and I'm a big Owl City fan myself. My fav song of theirs is If My Heart Was A House, definitely worth checking out! Hope you had a great holiday!

o said...

congrats on ur awards, cc! i enjoyed reading these random facts about u:D such an awesome origami shirt. i've always wanted to learn lol u speak fluent spanish?? i'm very impressed, cc! wish i could speak:D those zipper boots from shopbop are amazing, btw:D

chauss said...

happy holidays, c!
were you in a sorority at emory?
xo chauss

Dith said...

fabulous!! love it Carrie!!!

Leah said...

Congrats Carrie... a size 41, so you are probably a 6ft-tall girl. Major envy here. How I wish I'm tall. I won't mind wearing a size 42 or 43 or 44 as long as I'm tall. hahaha! xoxo from Manila.

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

i have big feet too. i wear a size 10/11 so I feel your pain.

Sharon Lei said...

Awards well deserved Carrie! What amazing things about you... :) I love them all! yes even the size 11 fact. :) Hope you had a great holiday!

Love & Aloha, S

WendyB said...

The dollar bill shirt is so funny.

Amelia said...

I think a rabid overdresser is the best thing to be :)

Chrisy said...

Darling you're multitalented!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Congrats on the awards! Great job girl!

Roxy Teacups and Couture said...

oragami is so cool!

I V Y said...

woah size 41? haha i think i may be heading that way as well, i'm really short but have bigger feet than all of my friends! hahaha

Candidly Chris said...

Let me find you some 41s, CC! I can track down some stunning shoes in your size :-)

Emerald Dandy

Becky Tjandera said...

Congrats for the award ! I love FireFlies too ! Such a great song haha . And I really wish we have snow here uggghhh .

Jessica said...

Love getting to know you darling!

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Life is so much more fun when one is 'a rabid overdresser.' :)

Florrie x

Lady Thirty said...

thanks for sharing some new stuff about you!

take care

lady thirty

lorenabr said...

Congrats:)cool things about you

Rohini said...

Love the second picture! Its so whimsical. :)
I love winters too. It doesn't snow here; I wish it did.

Suzanne said...

So funny to hear thiose things. But I already knew about your shoesize (same to me)! :)

X Suusje Q.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Yay for speaking flunt Spanish and for doing origami! Origami always seemed really difficult to me, plus you need to be patient to do it, so I guess that's why I could never remember even the bits I ever learnt of it. And it's hard for me to imagine how one can love the cold and snow... I'm the opposite :)

COCAMIA said...


Hope Adela Pasztor said...

lovely pictures! congradulations on the awards!


The zipper boots are AWESOME! As are huge feet, haha. I'm a size 41 (some brands, 42, yikes), so I feel ya. Why some brands stop their sizes at 40 is BEYOND ME. Lauren

michelle_ said...

congrats on the award carrie !
you're always leaving me nice comments that make me smile on my blog :D

the zippered booties are awesome !
have a nice holiday darling..

lovely blog post :D
thanks for the lovely comments for the blogger interview post.. hope you liked it ..
Hugs et Kisses.. Michelle @
glistersANDblisters . blogspot . com

Pretty Zesty said...

Congrats on the award! I hope you had a great holiday and happy new year!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a killer score those booties were!!

KP said...

love these facts! Muy bueno xox

cupcake♥trash said...


Susan said...

congrats on the awards, well deserved! I wear a European 41, too! :) those boots are amazing.
have a lovely day, darling.

Beth Connolly said...

You are fascinating.

Puebla Chic said...

i was just thinkig, why is does she writes in english and post me in spanish, maybe im confused! haha now i know u speak spanish also!