First things first, darlings! The winner of CC's Runway Rundown Bohemia Design Boot Giveaway is the lovely Ashley of Jinx! And the winner of CC's Missoni Scarf Giveaway is the fabulous Erika of Cafe Fashionista ~ congrats to you both!

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Answer 10 questions.
4. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.
5. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
7 Things about CC:
1. I am a yoga and Pilates instructor.
2. I am the eldest of five siblings.
3. My feet are size 11.
4. I was a lawyer and a teacher before becoming a blogger.
5. My favorite city is New York; I lived there for six years.
6. I'm addicted to Starbucks quadruple lattes.
7. My record in Scrabble is 434 points.
1. Why did you create this blog?
Couture Carrie began as a logical extension of my own personal style and trendspotting sketchbook. About three years ago, I decided to start sharing my ideas with my Fellow Fashionistas in the blogosphere.
2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
I read primarily fashion blogs, but I also follow a few foodie and architectural sites.
4. Favorite clothing brand?
Perricone No Foundation Foundation
6. Favorite color?
Hanae Mori
I would love to go back to Italy someday and visit Milan... it is the one city I skipped on my last trip and I am quite remiss!
10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
The former, I guess...
7 Blogs CC loves:
Congrats, darlings, and have fun doing this tag!
P.S. Please check out CC's guest post on Fashion Court ~ "If I had a Black Card..."
Congrats on getting the Versatile Blogger Award, I just got awarded it too!
You really deserve this, your blog is so inspirational, and you post about the most wonderful of things!
It was great to get to know more about you!
how lovely, a little snippet of your life... have a lovely weekend !
Ah CC! Thank you, thank you, thank you for selecting me as your winner - I am thrilled to be taking home the Missoni Scarf - too gorg!
I absolutely adore this tag - I had no clue that you were a fan of Elf; it's one of my favorites as well! BTW...thanks for tagging me as a blog favorite - you totally made my day.
Off to check out your guest post! :)
It's nice to know more about you !
Congrats to the winners of your giveaways, and great answers! I love reading these to get to know bloggers better! :)
You're definitely a Versatile blogger! :) Congrats on all the other winners too~! :)
Congrats!you are wonderful woman!i am happy to be your friend.kisses
Thank you for the tag CC! I love your answers. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. xx B
Un fin de semana más me tienes paseando entre tus cosas. Siempre geniales. Buen weekend.
Saludos y un abrazo.
Congrats on receiving the tag and I loved reading the info about you. I had no idea you used to live in NYC and love the fact you list Elf as your favorite movie!
Congrats sweetie :))
have a nice weekend!
wow super impressive! i have really been wanting to do more yoga and also use the pilates reformer but have yet to sign up. xo
Congrats on the award! I, too, am obsessed with NARS makeup, it's the best!
lovely reading this about you and your life!
i love your blog to bits!!
jo xxx
Well deserved award...always love your fashions!!
Congrats on the award! Quadruple it!! :)SarahD
LOVE Elf too!!!
COngrats on the award. I haven't seen The Elf but Will Farell should be worth watching
Congrats on the award!! Definitely well-deserved. :) And I loved reading more about you. I think it's pretty awesome you're a yoga instructor. I have been wanting to try it for a long time, but of course I make every excuse in the book. (I'm mostly just terrified that I will go to class and realize I'm more out of shape than I thought and people will stare at me in disgust). :S
I also missed Milan when I went to Italy. Next time I guess!
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for sharing those things about yourself, CC, very interesting, and it's good to know you better! :)
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on the award! I love reading little personal bits on fellow bloggers, so fun. Have a great weekend!
Congrats on getting an award! I love reader about the people behind the blogs - your answers are very interesting and awesome!
Eternally yours,
Fun tag! And about your Scrabble high score--that truly is amazing!
love your blog. love your style, following your blog now, hope you do the same
Hey girl!! THank you so much for stopping by!! I love learning all of these fun little facts about other bloggers!
I really like NARS makeup too!!! Its awesome!
i love q&a's :) thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on getting the Versatile Blogger Award!
your blog is amazing, you more than deserved it! ♥
Love the list :)
i'd love to joga more!
juliet xxx
What a fun tag to answer! Haha to question number 10! I agree... def. the mascara on one eye would be less noticeable than the blush. :)
Where do you live now? Not in NYC?
Congrats to the winners!
xx, becs
You are yoga and Pilates instructor, fabulous! I have just started a new yoga course and I love it!
Love learning more about you! This post was so interesting. It's so cool you used to be a lawyer and a teacher, so versatile! NARS is my absolute fav make up brand as well ;)
always nice to hear about nonfashion stuff from fashion bloggers.
where did u grow up?
xo chauss
wow, had no idea you used to be a lawyer and are now a pilates instructor and awesome blogger!
love that black dress.
nice blog please check out mine
Love that gray dress.
You were a lawyer and a teacher? Wow, you're a smartie pants.
Congrats on the award and thank you sweet doll for thinking of moi! I love that you are a yoga instructor that is soooo awesome in my books! xo
Congratulations darling, and thank you! :)
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