Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ten Years Hence

Darlings, CC was recently tagged by the lovely Gracey of Breakfast at Gracey's with this fabulous award, which requires the recipent to state where he/she hopes to be in 10 years' time. CC would love to be settled here in Connecticut with her current beau, GP. CC's dream is to own a restaurant/shop where clients can have a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and a bit of brie while browsing the most exquisite and exciting array of clothing and accessories!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? CC is passing this award and its query on to all of her Fellow Fashionistas... Can't wait to hear your responses, either in the comments section of this post or on your own blogs. Congrats to everyone, and enjoy!



  1. humm i dunno - but i can ONLY imagine fabulousness!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Carrie- I have that EXACT same dream!! I have always said that if you offer people wine, they will buy ANYTHING! hahaha
    We should go into business together!
    <3 Cara

  3. Well I really wish in ten years I would have my own boutique which would be featured in a lot of magazines . Haha !

  4. Thanks, CC, if you'd ever like a portrait taken, let me know...

    In 10 years? Whew. I don't even know where I'll be in the next 10 minutes!

  5. First of all congratulations. What a beautiful idea and I have no doubt you will make it a reality. =) I hope you are well. Enjoy your day.

  6. congrats darling CC! 10 years? oh I really don't know! but enjoying a glass of red wine with brie is a must for sure! have a nice day! xo

  7. I must admit, I don't think I'd like to know where I'll be in ten years ... I don't like to think that far ahead! After all, I rarely even think a day ahead...

    However, do hope you hear you have your dream restaurant in ten years! ♥ And thanks always for your comment!


  8. OMG...Its so hard to say....The one thing I hope is that we will be all happy in 10 years:)
    Great one, darling

    ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will enjoy it!!!

  9. Sounds like a fab place to be in 10years! In 10 years, I want to be freed from the bonds of corporate America, be my own boss (with flexible schedule) to finally do my all-around-the-world trip!

  10. I see myself owning my own business, being a mother, and being in a great relationship with an awesome guy in 10 years (I'll be in my 30s for I think this stuff is sounds about right).

  11. I would be the first person at your restaurant/shop. I hope in 10 years I am still just as happy as I am now. xx

  12. Hopefully a couple kidlets, enjoying each day to the fullest and baking... in high heels, of course ;)

    Delightful Bitefuls

  13. hummm don't want to know ;-)
    I'm living day by day... especially since I'm here in California !
    Happy summer*°*°*°

  14. That's WHAT I'm talking about food, drinks and clothes. You have a great eye for fashion so I'm sure you will accomplish that and more.

    In ten years I hope to be in great health and joy in my life. Take care CC!

  15. Sounds awesome :)
    I hope to have an amazing job & be at the top of the ranks at either a magazine, PR agency, or even just blogging!

  16. Ooh, CC your 10-year plan sounds so lovely - I would adore popping into your shop to browse the wares you have on display...I imagine they would be the most majestic imaginable. ten years I'd like to see myself with at least two or three books published. Aside from that I would love to meet a wonderful person to share my life with. :)

  17. that is a wonderful dream! so crossing fingers and wishing you all the success ;)

  18. Great post! Wishing you your wish of the restaurant:) As for me in 10 years would love to run my own cosmetics line.

  19. A successful children's author with two children!

  20. I've always wanted to open a Euro-cafe style wine bar...I think that'd be great. Maybe its time to put that MBA to good use!

  21. Where do I see myself in ten years? Pretty much the same as now, in the same office trying to help patients .. but hopefully I also see myslef with more memories of travel ... Georgia, Bookhara, Samarcande ... and more.

  22. Your dream is divine and I can't wait to visit!

    In ten years I will be at the top of my game as a jewelry designer, vintage jewelry collector, stylist, writer, painter, tee shirt designer and philanthropist....traveling the world, going to lots of spas, continuing to save the world (as much as I can) while still blogging away happy as a clam. xoxo

  23. Congrats on the award! I love your answer :) 10 years? Still with my husband, maybe in a bigger house, and I'd love to own a boutique!

  24. That would be so cool; I would go there! Ten years seems so far away--maybe grad school for me?

  25. Love your 10 yr. dream. sounds amazing! My dream is to have built out my styling brand to be the "styling for your life" so in addition to wardrobe styling, there will be event and home decor styling.
    red sole diary

  26. afording designer items and dinning at your future restaurant;;)

  27. Wine and cheese and shopping? I am there!

  28. Ummmmmm, that sounds like the BEST restaurant ever!

  29. In 10 years I'd like to be doing styling at a magazine and living in NY.

  30. congratulations honey! in ten year I see myself working in what I love: travelling and fashion, jajajaa

  31. I wish i'm still in Morocco and of course i would love to visit in your restaurant/shop :D


  32. What a lovely image- and cheese-perfect

  33. I have no doubt that your dreams will be realized. In ten years I want to be a pr executive.

  34.'re so sweet. Congrats to you :)

    Me...hopefully good enough as a fashion designer that someone would want to hire me. :) And of course see you wear a design of mine. ;) One can really dream, right?

    So, I have 10 years to make all of these things come true. I can only hope I don't have to change my major. "lol" Since there are so many great designers out there. :)

    Good luck to you CC!

  35. that is an awesome idea for 10 years!! yikes i don't want to think that far ahead yet!

  36. Your dream sounds lovely. I have no idea where I want to be in 10 years.

  37. Hi Carrie,

    Great post and best wishes for your Restaurant ~ sounds like a wonderful dream.
    In 10 years,... maybe living in France.


  38. in 10 years time?! such a dificult question! i even don't know what i'll be doing in 10minutes, but i just want to be the same happy person as i am now (and have kids, omg!)


  39. When your dream comes true I hope all your fellow bloggers would be invited ;-)

  40. Oh, I'd love to visit your shop/restaurant in 10 years time ;-) I have no idea what I'd like in 10 years... I rarely think that far ahead, but as long as I'm not completely broke and still happily married, I'm ok!

  41. I would go to that shop! Hopefully in 10 years I'll be married and doing something music/writing related.

  42. WOW, I love your fantasy future! So perfect! :)

  43. I think you've got great dreams for 10 years from now. I'm not really sure where I would like to see myself in 10 years. Definitely better off than I am now though. I'll be turning 50 in 10 years.

  44. Hopefully in the sunshine state at my beach house near the fab water. I'm sure the future hold something great for everyone and if it doesn't then make a spot for what you want. Anything is possible.
