Sunday, October 11, 2009

Titillating Tags

I. Tagged by lovely Fellow Fashionistas Jaime of la vie… j’aime and Crystal of Plush Palette with stating 7 Unique Things about CC:
1) I have a serious penchant for overdressing. Japanese Numero, March 2009.
2) I’ve had actual conversations with celebs such as Alec Baldwin, Ivanka Trump, Adam Sandler and Sandra Bullock (she goes by “Sandy”).
3) My given name is Catherine but I have gone by “Carrie” for as long as I can remember. And my initials really are CC ~ short for Carrie Critton (and Couture Carrie)!
4) I was a gymnast before I hit my growth spurt at age 13. Now I’m 5’ 10”. Photo from the Silvereye Series by Guido Argentini, courtesy Fellow Fashionista Nearly Stylish.
5) I have always been a blonde but am seriously considering going red this winter. Numero, June 2009.
6) I am obsessed with sexy stockings. This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Style Justice.
7) My bed is positively teeming with throw pillows. French Vogue, September 2009.
II. Tagged by the lovely Janet of Janetteria with stating 5 Little Things That Make CC Happy:
1) Fashion Week! Zac Posen gown via
2) Cocktail Hour. This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Etrapar.
3) Blue suede shoes. Bazaar, September 2009.
4) Fresh peaches.
5) Playing dress-up (even if I’m the only one to see it!). Visit for more fun outfits like this.
Also want to thank Fellow Fashionista LuLu for the lovely tag. CC is tagging all of her Fellow Fashionistas with completing either or both of these fun memes!
P.S. Don’t forget to enter CC’s Orient Ladies Watch Giveaway and CC’s Tolani Scarf Giveaway!


loft in SoHo said...

I enjoyed the post and learn a little more than CC. The image selection is superb as always dear!


daisychain said...

Loved reading this =)

Becca. said...

you've spoken to some cool celebrities.
i love all the movies she's starred in!
how did you get to meet them?

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

That "stockings and fur" photo is so incredibly gorgeously sexy! Wow...

stilettolover91 said...

Love this post!!! Congrats on all the tags!! I love learning more about you! Awesome pics as always!!

Make Do Style said...

I'm a Katherine too - with a K but am a Kate day to day. That's two co-incidences names and star signs, Scorpio!

I love the Carrie necklace, I keep meaning to get one with my name of course and those blue suede shoes are to die for.

Keith said...

These are some beautiful and sexy photos. I hope you've been enjoying the weekend. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

OOoh, I totally imagine you with red hair !! And everything you point you is super interesting, Sandra Bullock seems really lovely, wow ! ;D
And stockings........ <3<3<3 !

X.o.X.o !


wow, you were a gymnast?! That really rocks my socks girly =) I did not know you were so tall either. You are so lucky!


Anonymous said...

Really interesting how you added all the pics!! Great post!

Thanks for stopping by my blog,

Ashley Dy said...

Love love the post and photos as always! :)

Maria Confer said...

You are one interesting lady!! Love that you've actually talked to celebrities. So good that you quit gymnastics before you stopped growing.

kokostiletto said...

yum i have a craving for peaches now ! loving blue suede shoes right now !

Hunters Glory said...

interesting post cc...

love sandy bullock!

gymnast huh? I cc that in you so I give you a 10.0!

love the pix as usual darlin daisy!


erika sorocco said...

I always love learning more about you CC. And I think you would look absolutely ravishing as a redhead! :)

M said...

Fishnets and fur... how chic is that picture? I love how perfect the styling is here: it could have gone totally tacky in the hands of the wrong team!

Also, very interesting to learn all these little facts about you! ;)


Becca. said...

oh wow.
lucky lucky lucky,
she took you out for cocktails :O
thats amazing, and in bungalow 8!
did you get a photo with her, or an autograph, or both? :)

Anonymous said...

FAB pics darling!

Style Justice said...

thanks for the little image tag! loved this post, gotta love the sexy stockings :) i'm definitely in search to expand my collection this fall/winter

Tori said...

Nice post. Love the blue suede shoese. =) haha.

K.Line said...

You should totally go red! I'm sure it will be gorgeous. And if you don't like it, you can always go back...

Heini said...

Great post, thanks for sharing :)

Heini said...

Great post, thanks for sharing :)

Leah said...

Wow, it's amazing to know someone who'd spoken to cool celebrities. And I envy your height.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I love learning new things about you. You are SO cool. That's really neat you've met so many celebrities. Did you meet them at parties or out & about in town? said...

;-) J'adore Ur Carrie necklace! :-) I always love reading Ur facts... :-D


Amy C said...

totally fun stuff, you are a fascinating gal!
Hope you are having a peachy weekend.

meraldia said...

I enjoyed this post, Carrie! I think that you will be fabulous with red hair!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Nice to learn more about you! Love the new header too :)

Unknown said...

he eh i love this post! like knowing more about you x

For all things fashion:

Treacle said...

It's nice to learn more about the woman behind the blog. :-)

Unknown said...

great pics - i love cocktail hour too xoxox

O'STYLE said...

Oh I love the pic where the model is sat, stuuning outfit!


HiFashion said...

I'm loving your unique things. #2 is very cool.

Brigadeiro said...

Loved reading this :)

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed reading this too, and great photos, as always! (PS - Go Red!)

Nubia Mejia said...

Aww what a fun read. Congrats on the tags. Gymnast, impressive =)

Anonymous said...

love the first photo!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My blue suede shoes are making me most happy at the moment too. I've always thought that Sandy Bullock seems so sweet!

. said...

Great selection of images!!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I always love when you do these!! Ohh a redhead? How fabulous. I overdress too... :)

Chrisy said...

Your blog is always a delicious treat and this post is no exception...I'll be interested to see how the red hair goes....

Signe said...

I need to be the woman in the car. Or at least look like her.

Suzanne said...

You're great! And I think you should go red! I've thought about it as well, but since I've always been a brunette I think it doesn't match my teint...

About teints.. I love your new profile picture with Sasha P.

Suusje Q. Xxxx

Timeless Fashion... said...

Sounds amazing; being a gymnast as a child and everything...

FashionJazz said...

I enjoyed ur post so much as well as the pics!! Thanks so much for sharing. Hope u have an amazing Monday!!

J : ) xxx

Ellie said...

Oh, I love the mishmash of images :)

Becky Tjandera said...

hi CC ! i just know that your real name is catherine x) congrats for the tags ! oh those pictures are gorgeous . love the tights :)

Mads said...

Wow that is so cool that you have met a lot of celebrities! I always overdress too because I wear uniforms during the weekday, during the weekend I go all out..hehe

ps..thanks for the link, have added you to mine as well!=)

Anonymous said...

I would do anything for a peach (that kinda sounded a bit weird) but fruit here is, esp peaches are the LV of fruit!

I've never had a name necklace, I think my name is TOOO long, I wonder if it would fit!

It must be getting cooler now? It always snows here in Tokyo but nothing like Back East...

C. said...

I'm also thankful for your blog because you keep me informed on all the latest fashion trends. I find so much inspiration from the runway pictures that you select. Thanks for blogging, Carrie and for sharing your knowledge of fashion with others :)

Anonymous said...

Well, in short, you are gorgeous!

Anika said...

Oooh, love this post CC.
And that pic with the blue suede shoes is killlaaaah. Want. Ofcourse.

So is this where we get a chance to ask what aforementioned celebrities are like in real life? ;)

Have a great week dear girl.

The Little Fashion Treasury said...

Happy Monday to you, CC!

Love to read more about you!
You added your statements with
some stunning photos!
Love the old bed from Sept. Issue of French Vogue.... so enchanting!!!!

Wishing you a fabulous week!!!!

Beth Connolly said...

So fun-I don't think we're overdressed-I think everyone else is underdressed!

Swetha said...

OMG !! 5.10 ? i wish i was your height !! thats a very unique thing.. and you talked with Sandra uh?.. Unique again.. i love that woman...

KP said...

gorgeous images-I love cocktail hour too xx

Frank&Rémy said...

Wow, those were some BEAUTIFUL and Sexy pictures!! Absolutely love it!

have a wonderful week dear!


Pixel Wild Child said...

Very very sexy!!! the perfect way to start a Monday with energy! ;O) Love the pics!

Unknown said...

ooooh go red!!!

Unknown said...

very cool post!! you always have beautiful pictures!! :)

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Great post...I love learning more about the blogger behind the blog :)

Jadore-Fashion said...

love reading this CC! xoxo

Anonymous said...

always love whatever you post darling

check out my blog @

Anonymous said...

you should totally go red this winter! That would be so cute!

I had to do the questionnaire too! so fun! thanks for posting it =)