Saturday, September 26, 2009

Spiked Punch

From punked-out hair to dangerously gorgeous fashions, the spike is hot!
British Bazaar, December 2008.
Spanish Vogue, April 2006.
Numero editorial courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Pulse.
Velvet, January 2008.
Barbie, via
Christian Siriano, via
Derek Lam, via
Ellie Owen
Giles Deacon, via
Julien Macdonald, via
Zac Posen, via
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Anika of African Tea Party.
Kate Lanphear’s cuffs, courtesy Fellow Fashionista City Slick.
Pretty Young Things bracelet, at
Bing Bang by Anna Sheffield rivet wrap chain bracelet with spiked cuff, at
Anita Ko gold diamond Spike bracelet, at
AESA Submissive earrings, at
Flutter Albert gold earrings, at
Erickson Beamon medieval Swarovski crystal drop earrings, at
Fallon Santa Clara spiked choker; this and next at
Giles & Brother Irulan necklace.
Necklace at
N.D. Chong Natalie necklace, at
Burberry barbed wire ring, at
Rock & Republic Celina suede platform pumps, at
Last look: a Spring 2010 preview from Rodarte, via
Spike it, darlings!


stilettolover91 said...

HOT HOT HOT!!!! Spikes are amazing!!!! I love the first picture!! Awesome post!

Sweety P said...

The black shoes are so cool!

meraldia said...

Very inspiring jewelry, Carrie, great post!

erika sorocco said...

Those spiked shoes in the first picture are fierce. I've been coveting a spiked headband myself - I saw Mischa Barton wearing one not too long ago nd fell in love. Gorgeous post, as always! :)

M said...

Spikes are intriguing... on other people! This is one of those styles that I'll be perfectly content admiring, and not trying myself.

OmNomNom said...

nice post. and my!look at that blue-pump-shoes make me blowed!

Anonymous said...

Great title :D Wondering about those spiked thigh highs....what happens if I cross my legs? Ouch!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oooh those spiky necklaces are SO cool!

Maria Confer said...

The bathtub photo is awesome and I love the swimsuit.

I need to know how you come up with all your witty titles. Genius.

Rohini said...

Gorgeous post CC! Love the shoes. :)


Leah said...

i find spikes so fascinating... it really is hot. But I don't have the guts to wear them.... but who knows, the spike fever might hit me sooner than I expected.


hot, but dangerous! hehe. said...



Beth Connolly said...

So fabulous it hurts.

Laura Trevey said...

Loving the Spiked bracelets!!

xo Laura

SaraJ said...

i guess you could say that yes.

Awesome post this one.

LPC said...

Don't tread on me, huh?

alwayslistentoyourart said...

just loving it! nice post.



stefan daniel bell | metacouture said...


(you rule. thank you for the comment!!!)

i like your editorial, it's a very clear story that lets readers see for themselves.

spikes, armour, serious fashion for everyday wear; it makes me so hopeful....

fashion seems to be seeing how far it can go. the rules are off so the spectrum of creativity is through the roof.

for me the new aggressive fashion for women seems to be saying, "i dress for me, not you. this is My armour, my defense for the world. i'm not your pretty doll anymore- you can be polite and tell me i look good, just don't touch."

thank you for your work.

Style Justice said...

i like those blue pumps with the spike dangling off, so cute!

Belle de Ville said...

And...where is the Moonstone Spike Ring by Garrard from

Belle de Ville said...

Oh...and you are on a roll this week with titles.

Blair said...

Está claro que las tachuelas,los pinchos...son una de las tendencias de este invierno.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Love the blue pumps!! And all the bracelets!

SaraJ said...

Wait and see:)

I put a link to your blog in my menu. hope that´s ok with you:)

yiqin; said...

So in love wit the studded shoes!!

Denisa L said...

Love the spiked shoes!fierce:)

Lady Thirty said...

love this post dear!

hope you´ll have a fab weekend


Anonymous said...

I enjoy a little edge myself! :)

Good finds - thanks

MizzJ said...

This trend scares me, it's so dangerous!

Averill said...

I love a little bit of an edge to an outfit and spiked accessories would be such a wonderful way to incorporate that into an otherwise more conservative look.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wish my hair was more interesting than the average pony tail, feeling inspired!

Rianna said...

great spikey selection of images, that little barbed wire ring looks beautiful!
Rianna Bethany xxxxxxxxx

Hunters Glory said...

Spiked punch....?.... yes please!

Have good weekend cc!


Incon said...

hello darling CC!!
Aren't those Christian Siriano shoes for payless?? Have been to almost every payless shoes store there is and hv had no luck.
Im loving spikes and in dire need for some spiked jewelry.
Anyhow, have a lovely weekend dear.

WendyB said...

Everything is so violent these days!

The Anthology said...

Stunning. But you know what's so sad? I'd probably hurt myself wearing something so spiky.

* Kelsey

. said...

hot, but ouch! hehe

Christen said...

I love how glamorous and rebellious spikes can be all at the same time!

Sam said...

Hey! I've been noticing a few spikes and studs lately - it's a pretty cool look - perhaps not for me but it looks terrific here. Love that top shot in the bath!!

Anonymous said...

Hello~ This is my first time visiting your website. And I really love the pictures and your description. Make me understand the runway collection better.

But I really have trouble understand which pic is from which collection. Have you ever planned to change the format of your post? At least put in captions or even put in a, b, c to refer each pic to your respective descriptions.
Btw, I'm using the safari browser so I'm not sure whether your website displays the same for mine to the usual internet explorer browser.

Hope I didnt offend you. ^-^

LJ said...

i've always loved those louboutin ones....
xx-LJ from SOS!

Anonymous said...

hot! this trend is dangerously awesome (literally)!

E said...

Roddddaaaarte!!!! Want those heels, man!!

Ashley said...

Oooo look at the shoes in that first picture! I die! And I'm still so sad about the Christian Siriano shoes that could have been, they were so hot!


Anne said...

I love spikes in fashion, gives the runway a rocker edge! Couture Carrie! I need your help! I love how you along with other fab bloggers format the pics side-by-side, i don't know how though, that's why pics in my blog are always cascading down, it would really conserve space on my blog to learn how! Thank you, I'd appreciate your help!

Anonymous said...

Ladies seem to have needles underneath their heart like rose but now show them off!!:D

Also me,,,i sometimes like to show others my thorn by wearing the accessories♥


Susan said...

aw, I love those bracelets! :)
have a lovely day, dearest CC,

Sharon said...

Ooh, what a fierce trend, I'd opt for the lovely earrings I think!!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Bonito blog el tuyo.

Saludos desde el otro lado del charco!

Unknown said...

perfect post!! I know what I'm going to buy today: spikes!!

zupu said...

This post was so great dear! I'm not as "rock" as I used to be as a teenager but this style still inspires me!

nicole said...

spikes are like the new studs and i love it. great post!


Siljesfashion said...

I am so into this trend. Love it!

C. said...

I didn't realize spikes were in! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. This is why I love reading your blog. I can stay informed about all the new fashion trends. Another great post, Carrie. Love the collection of photos. Hope you're having a good weekend.


Bradford said...

If you ask me, the Highline has pumped a little too much life into the area. It's just jam packed!

This post makes me want to listen to the RAMONES.

Keith said...

Very awesome. Some really killer photos. Cool stuff here. Hope you've had a great weekend. Cheers!

Life's short. Type fast. said...

These outfits are so cool! I just bought a tuxedo shirt, and can't wait to wear it out somewhere! Also, I love all the jewelry! SO cute.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Spikes aren't really for me...but I like those earrings you chose!

Anonymous said...

Well this is for me ! I love the pustpunk, or punk chic, but not only as a 'trend', also as an ideology, punk was one of the most utopic and touching ways of life of its time... Patti Smith, Debbie Harry, the londonian scene, Sprouse... how many great artists behind that ?

Jessica said...

That barbed wire ring is fantastic!

Swetha said...

hot heels.. blue heels are hot!! and the ear rings are devilish :)
Gr8 post dear!

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Ahh I remember that British Bazaar, December 2008 article. Very sexy shoes indeed!

Florrie x

missDTM said...

these pieces are calling my name!!! i love the ones you picked out.

Noble Beeyotch said...

Such fierce accessories....must try my hands at spikes now!

Peter Breese said...

Wild. You know I used to be a bit of a punk rocker in high school and I never would have imagined this sort of style would ultimately grace runways... I have a feeling some of the punk bands are shaking their heads ;). Of course I'm quite sure the styles have changed since I was a punker.

Anonymous said...

Love those fingerless gloves! I wanted to buy a belt yesterday with spikes but they didn't have a small size. Happy Monday, CC!

xo, becs

LadyLUX said...

Love the spikes! Some of the pieces look a little painful, but overall a beautiful post.