Monday, August 11, 2008

2 posts today, darlings!!

F is for Fluorescent (see next post!).
F is also for Fellow Fashionistas!
And CC has been tagged by several of them recently!

A. Happiness
The super stylish Arielle of has given me a “Meme” which asks that you name 14 things that make you happy, and then tag six people, urging them to do the same . . .
1. soft serve frozen yogurt
2. huge, luxe, leather handbags (Valentino patent at left via wwd)
3. robust red wine (pref. with an oozy Brie or piquant Manchego)
4. art galleries and museums, especially opening galas!
5. ridiculously fancy shoes
6. picnics
7. Vogue – any country, any issue, any year . . .
8. lounging on the beach
9. Kiki de Montparnasse lingerie
10. Gossip Girl, Lipstick Jungle, Dirty Sexy Money, Desperate Housewives, 90210, etc.
11. Haute Couture (natch!)
12. chocolate chip cookies - baking them is great; but eating the batter is better!!
13. dinners out with the fam (pictured at right – that’s CC in the forest green Smythe velvet blazer!)
14. Fancy gowns and cakes
This is a really fun and rewarding exercise . . . reminds one of the little things that can sometimes matter so much!

B. Quirkiness
I've also been tagged by the very spunky and fabulous Songy of! Now here are the rules:
a) link back to the person who tagged you
b) mention the rules on your blog
c) tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
d) tag 6 bloggers; and
e) leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers’ blogs letting them know they've been tagged!
My 6 unspectacular quirks (okay some of them are just facts):
1). I can do calligraphy and origami.
2) My feet are huge. Size 11. Aaaargh.
3) I am sorta shy about putting my pic online, but here is [another] one anyway...
4) Though it is not my first language, I taught Spanish for four years.
5) I memorized Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods” in the sixth grade and can still recite it.
6) I like to eat cereal with a baby spoon (picture at right via

I am also incredibly honored to have received the Brillante Premio from the darling Claudia of Be sure to check her out, as she is a star on the rise!
Thank you so much, Arielle, Songy and Claudia!
CC is tagging any & all of you fellow fashionistas out there who wish to do one of 2 tags above!
And darlings, don’t forget to check out today’s “ABCs of Fall Fashion” post below!!


  1. those cookies look yummmmmmy. and you are so pretty! i love your hair!

  2. adorable post CC!!! yummmy vanilla soft serve!! :D xoxo, lulu

  3. What a nice post, I feel like I know you much better after I've read it. You're so cute, and your hair is beautiful:)

  4. And now I'm hungry!<3 I love those pictures!:)

  5. Great tag answers, you're so pretty. :)

    Thanks for the comments (on my collage and header!) ♥

    Have a lovely Monday!! (:

  6. Love vanilla! You look beautiful and I am so happy you shared. Now we know the face behind the superb blog!

  7. Agree with fashion file :) Love that valentino bag, gorgeous! I have not yet watched gossip girl, but I realize it is going to have to go on the MUST do list, even if only for the fashion!!!!

  8. can i tell you how i absolutely love everything in this post. keep up the amazing posts cc!


  9. Hey Nice Blog!!and thanks for the comment in mine!!xoxo:)

  10. love the post lady!

    flourescent is rockin. wore a scarf today in flouro. green!

    you are absolutely stunning- thanks for the pictures.


  11. Great minds think alike! I couldn't agree more with 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, and 13.

  12. CC, you are absolutely gorgeous! A GREAT Smythe blazer you've got there!

    I adore this post, it really does remind you that some seemingly 'superficial' (I hate that word) things really are joys in life and that you really (meaning "I" :p) shouldn't let yourself minimize or downplay what makes you legitimately happy.

    P.S. I also LOVE Dirty Sexy Money!

  13. Size 11 feet huh? Well, look at this way, at least you can find great shoes on clearance. I'm 7.5. There are never any good ones left for clearance.

    PS - Linked to you again today for my tutorial. Feathers and fringe...

  14. This is the most satisfying post! Dear, I love reading about the tag and all these yummy food good make me motivated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  15. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM chocolate chip cookies!!!

  16. Nice meme! It's always good to read more and more things about our fellow fashionistas!

  17. Hello CC thank you for visited my blog, well unfortunatly I haven't a translation sistem. Althoug our two blogs are different, as you I do believe that fashion is not a mere frivolity

    Take care


  18. I love watching Lipstick Jungle and eating chocolate chip
    cookie dough...true guilty pleasures!

  19. what a fun list...i swear i nodded along while reading it since i had so many in common! xxx

  20. You post so much eye candy I almost don't know what to do with myself! Completely adorable:)

  21. CC loved reading your tags! you have the best smile! so happy :)

    I'm RIGHT there with you on #2, #3!!!, #5 (gems for our feet:), #7 (so true!), the pleasures of dinner with loved ones the best!!

    i'm laughing about your huge feet!! at least men can say huge feet... huge (blank). yet, i'm sure you still work it!! and i agree about posting your pic. although, i've done it a few times. for some reason i feel shy!!

    it was fabulous reading about you!

  22. CC you are gorgeous and talented! Origami, spanish? Wow.

  23. F stands for 'flashin' fashion' cuz that is what this blog is!

    !!!! !\_ (A five heeled rating cc!)

  24. I love all of the things you've listed as making you happy :)

    And you're so beautiful! You have such perfect hair.

  25. Wine, cookies, and fashion. All I need in life :) (okay, maybe not, but.....)

  26. yummy cookies. CC, you are giving to make me burst out of my chanel bustier.

  27. P.S. I just realized that you posted few pics of yourself .... and you're a BEAUTY :)

  28. damn - those cookies looked so good!!!!!

  29. nice to finally put the blog to a face! very cute family photo! =)

    ooh! i had a question -- i'm pretty sure i read the previous post well and you didn't say who mae the shoes mk is wearing. do you know who made them?

  30. A star in the rise? That's so sweet, thankyou!

    You know, I feel like I know you a lot better now for some reason. Lovely post!

  31. Hi there! Thanks a lot for your visit, CC! As per your question; it is pen+ink.
    And about your blog... of course fashion is pure frivolity... and who cares? ;) nice blog!

  32. CC, you're way to hot to have been a teacher and now I'm hungry for cookies!

  33. I agree with 3-6, 11, and 12! And you are completely gorgeous, by the way!!

  34. Yum to the frozen yogurt! And the cookies look divine!! Love the post :)

  35. Lovely list! I'm all for red wine and beaches--though not at the same time. Pina coladas and beaches at the same time, yes. ;D

    My mother has sz 11 shoes. But it goes with being fabulously tall, right? You're totally gorgeous, by the way!

  36. I love eating cereal with a baby spoon too!! My husband thinks I'm crazy, but now I can tell him that there is another adult who does the same thing!!

    LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! :-)

  37. you are so pretty should post pics more often :)

  38. Awwwww shucks darlings . . . CC is blushing with all these sweet remarks!
    Glad to know that we fellow fashionistas share some common interests, too!
    Thanks for all the lovely compliments, everyone!


  39. what a pretty kitty you are!! no reason to be shy. and loving that we can speak in espanol!


    p.s. tried on some brocade at phillip lim. exquisite but too pricey. my mom was ready to buy it for me. but i said we have to save our pennies at the moment ;)

  40. mm my guilty pleasure the gold studded featured in a past givenchy collection

    and wow your gorgeous

  41. CC how nice to see you!!!
    You're GORGEOUS lady!!!!!
    I think you should post more often your picture lovely girl ;)

    And now I want chocolate chips cookies lol


  42. fab photo of you!your gorgeous Carrie.what stunning eyes and hair!
    oh and on having size 11 feet,ditto! ;-),well long as they makes choos in that size...
    p.s:loved you in that forest green smythe blazer! tres chic!

  43. CC! You're gorgeous. Soooo good to see the face of a super blogger. So you're an origami queen like myself. We should do a origami-off sometime in our blogs!! That will be funny.. but hey that is so 'un-fashion'..

    thank you for taking time to do the quirks tag I really appreciate it.

    Now I'm moving onto a-z fashion posts. ;)

  44. Thank you for your comment!!
    I agree with the shoe thingy, I am only 14 and have huuge feet, it's so annoying when you see all your friends in really cute shoes and it's torture going into shops with them knowing I will never be able to squeeze my feet into any of the gorgeous creations!!!
    Oooo yes small sppons rule, try eating out of a teacup, thats my obsession at the moment...
