Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Music to my Eyes


You’ll see these musical instruments before you hear them!

On the runways, the iconography of music was, if not prevalent, then at least present.

At right, view the ebullient satin Andrea Turchi gown, with saxophone player leitmotif. Photo via Italian Vogue.

At left, Jean Charles de Casteljabac emblazons the F-holes of a cello on a classic white button-front shirt.

British company sugarpopclothing.com offers this black halter dress with pink musical notes . . . cotton candy colored hair optional.

But it seems, when it comes to musical fashion for the masses, the piano is still king.
We all remember the famous yuppified 80s piano tie . . . But have you seen Karl Lagerfeld’s famous piano dress for Chanel, which was exhibited at a show at the Victoria and Albert Museum? Photo at right courtesy picasaweb.com.
Would you like to wear your music, too? To the tune of about ten dollars, you can get either some silly keyboard theme socks, at pianosupplies.com or a pair of piano key flip flops (pictured at right), at wetseal.com.
For a song, snap up the croc-embossed leather Dutchy piano-print clutch pictured at left. Go to couturecandy.com.


  1. Hey CoutureCarrie, i'd love to swap links =] i wasn't sure about how to get to you =]

  2. Hey CoutureCarrie, i'd love to swap links =] i've added you to my blog roll =]

  3. I love that chanel dress. Thanks for tagging me too, I'll probably get to it saturday!

  4. Hello, I came across your blog and it looks so much fun and creative! That Chanel dress is intriguing! I love the flip flops - the flip flops with personality and charactor!

  5. love this! did you see the piano heels at imelda?


  6. Thanks, Times & Wendy! Jill - I just checked out imelda - fantastic! I love that the piano pump is "shoe of the week"!

  7. yes I see what you mean...you needed my piano pimps for this post!
