Monday, June 10, 2024

CC Interview: Acclaimed Artist Dai Ying

 Darlings, CC is delighted to introduce you to Chinese-born world-renowned artist Dai Ying, a luminary in the realm of contemporary painting, installations, and performance art! She weaves intricate narratives of tradition and feminist-inspired innovation through her captivating creations. Presently residing in New York, Los Angeles, and Beijing, Dai Ying recently showed at New York’s Future Fair at Chelsea Industrial in tandem with the Frieze. She also partnered with the Pashmina Art Gallery in Hamburg, Germany where she's donating some works of art for their Louis Vuitton and Dior sponsored art auction benefiting the rescue of Asian street dogs.
Below, see CC's interview with Ms. Ying:

CC: Ms. Dai, thank you so much for sharing with Couture Carrie readers!

How do you utilize your art to channel your emotional experience?

DY: I use mixed media painting, installation, performance art, and other creative methods and media art languages to convey my emotions.

Temple, installation, 2020, marble, printmaking paper, galvanized iron sheet

CC: I also lived in New York for 6 years! What are your favorite spots in the city (museums, stores, restaurants, parks, etc.)?

DY: I like MoMA. All the art spaces and galleries with the latest exhibitions are places I often visit.

Give Me a Piece of Heaven and Earth 给我一片天地, 2023, 120 x 80 cm, oil on canvas

M-Theory 2 超弦理论M 2, 2015 - 2016, made with Chinese paint, Japanese paint, acrylic paint, marker, and Chinese rice paper

CC: You’ve graciously donated some of your work to the Pashmina Art Gallery in Hamburg, Germany for its upcoming Louis Vuitton and Dior sponsored art auction to benefit the rescue of Asian street dogs. I am a dog walker and pet sitter, so animals are dear to me, too! What inspired you to choose this cause?

DY: This charity auction is hosted and organized by Ms. Maria, the largest collector of German Expressionist art globally. She is a passionate animal rescuer, saving over 100 stray dogs from Asia each year and finding them homes in Europe. The Pashmina Art Gallery in Hamburg provided support for the space for this event. I was invited by Ms. Maria to participate in this charity auction in Hamburg. I donated a small piece I created in 2016, "Great Love, Saving All Lives," which was auctioned for 5000 euros by a kind collector. Louis Vuitton and Dior also donated their products for this charity auction, but they are not the sponsors for the event. The proceeds will go towards helping stray dogs in Asia. For me, it is the respect for life and natural compassion that inspired me to do this.

The artist in her 2023 installation Suddenly Moon White, holding soil from Suzhou.
Many thanks to Dai Ying and her translator for this amazing interview!