Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exclusive Interview with Illustrator Peter Breese!

CC was recently honored to interview the über-talented Fashion Illustrator Peter Breese. Mr. Breese even agreed to produce some originals to accompany this Q&A, so you are the first to lay eyes on the four exquisite creations in this post!

CC’s 5 Questions for Illustrator Peter Breese:
CC: Peter, I understand that you began your career as a commercial illustrator and only recently decided to break into fashion. Why the new interest, and what have been the highlights of your experience with the fashion world thus far?

PB: Actually, [blushing] this is all very new to me. I only recently took the plunge into illustration. True, the bulk of my early work was commercial, though it was hardly a career. I was testing the waters so-to-say. Dreaming.
Why fashion? Wonderful question and one I love to ponder myself. What lured me here? Primarily, it was my fellow illustrators who, after looking at my sketch work, encouraged me to consider this avenue. However, I won’t lie, I considered fashion illustration before. You see, I am drawn to movement, like a plant to light, and the fashion world seems to be imbued with this amazing quality of perpetual motion. I love it here already, [laughing] and I’m not even an official member. I sort of feel like I’m sneaking over the security fence and hoping no one notices.

CC: What sort of educational background do you have, and when did you enter this field?

PB: Yikes, now you’re going to make me say what I attempted to avoid in the first question. Well. Alright. I have a BA in Kinesiology and Applied Physiology and a MS in Public Health. I worked as an epidemiologist (medical researcher) and a human anatomy instructor for many years. I guess you could say the human form has always inspired me.
It’s worth noting that I doodled my way through college and graduate school. In fact, when I was in law school - yes, I did the dreaded 1L year of law school as well - my professor, after noticing the doodles in my law book, jokingly recommended that I leave law school and go into art. If she reads this interview [waving]: hi Professor Smith! I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.
But where did I learn art? Well, I’ve literally been drawing all my life. So I guess you could say I have been in art school for thirty-two years and counting.

CC: What project are you most proud of and why?

PB: That is a very tough question because I am constantly evolving and, hopefully, improving. I work hard to ensure that my current work is the best, so I guess the right answer would be: my next project. Every time I see another artist’s work, I think to myself, I can be better.

CC: Do you have any advice to offer aspiring commercial and fashion illustrators?

PB: [Laughing] I will when I’ve made it. Though I can say from my early experience that if you are stubborn and persistent, the pendulum of time will come back for you. All those seconds, minutes, and hours of work will have been worth it if you are following your bliss.

CC: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your work?

PB: First, let me say how honored I am to get a chance to share this new venture with Carrie and all of you. It was loads of fun to do this interview.
For this project, I turned to traditional mediums (pencil and watercolor) in an attempt to emphasize the clothing and implied movement of the women beneath. I think the pencil and watercolor gives the figure a playful appearance that doesn’t always come through in digital media, which I use for the majority of my other projects. You’ll also notice from these pieces that I’m a big fan of Christian Dior’s Couture Spring 2009 - brilliant.
Bear in mind that these are my first steps into the world of fashion, so I am obviously both nervous and excited to have this opportunity. Like most industries, word-of-mouth and networking have tremendous power in the art world, so this is a great chance for me to move forward. Of course it could be a step backward [laughing]. Either way, I’m sure I’ll be watching the site with baited breath as your readers respond.
Thank you all.

CC: Thank you, Peter. You are truly an inspiration. Visit Peter Breese Illustration here, darlings!


  1. Great interview and he has some very nice illustrations. His website is worth checking out as well.

  2. that was a nice interview !! the sketches are fabulous

  3. Great interwiew and what a cool illustrations. Amazing!

    Have a great day!

  4. I love the use of watercolour. It reminds me of the soft, pretty side of fashion. Great interview. Peter seems like a really nice, humble guy!

  5. Did not know him, thx for sharing! I am loving his illustrations now

  6. That was very interesting... and the illustrations are so great! Wish I could draw like that! hehe


  7. I love Peter, and I love this Interview! Bravo, darling!
    Thank you for your gorgeous comment, I just hope that my dear wouldn't see my answer about Nigel, hahahah...
    Have a wonderful day, dear!


  8. I love the interview,

    thank you for the lovely words, too x

  9. Wow, so nice
    Love these illustrations.

  10. wow...where do i start?
    thanks so much for sharing this interview with us! it was really inspiring to see someone who started out in a career that wasn't related to the art and fashion world, but eventually found his way to his true passion. i already know my true passion lies in the fashion world, and i love to draw as well, but i'm in school for nursing. :P i know it is better to follow your dreams right from the start, but the reason why i'm in school for nursing is a longgggggggg story.
    hopefully one day i will be able to find my place in the fashion industry (hopefully sooner than later somehow), and i'm going to keep blogging and start drawing more regularly to get there!
    i love these illustrations, watercolor is pretty much my fave medium.

  11. thank you dear!
    thanks for always commenting back with the sweetest comments :)

  12. OMG those illustrations are so amazing.
    Great interview!!!

    Congrats dear, for this post!!!!


  13. oh great interview!! his sketches are fantastic!

  14. Wow fabulous interview Carrie - what a cool profession, something normally very overlooked! That last drawing is my fav :)

  15. the last sketch is my favorite! great interview!

  16. Ohmigosh! This is divine. I had never heard of him before, but now I want his art covering my bedroom walls! Fabulous interview darling! :)

  17. Fantastic interview! Seriously...his work is really beautiful, right.

  18. thank you for sharing this talented illustrator with us. so inspiring!

  19. Great review. I really enjoyed reading that. Cheers!

  20. Oh my gosh, gorgeous illustrations!!

  21. Fantastic interview!

    Favorite bit: "constantly evolving and, hopefully, improving..."
    That in itself demonstrates his passion. xxx

    P.S. Don't forget to stop by and enter the CURRENT/ELLIOTT jeans giveaway! xxx

  22. Beautiful illustration & great interview CC! Have to check out the link... Thanks! ~XO*

  23. Beautiful illustrations! He has a very distinctive style.

    I've given you an award in today's post CC! Check out my blog for details.

  24. Oh wow! Great post and interview. Those illustrations are all just so incredibly stunning! xx b

  25. Those illustrations are so beautiful, I love them!

  26. Incredible interview, really nice!

  27. I gave you an award on my blog :)

  28. These are absolutely gorgeous...
    what a fabulous interview CC!!! I have a feeling that he is going to make quite a name for himself and find his modesty endearing!

  29. beautiful pictures...he is so talented...great job interviewing!

  30. Striking illustrations and great interview dear CC, his work seems very modern but there's also something reminiscent of those vogue covers from the 1920's in them... I love that he's so modest about his work.

    (Ps. Blushing men is such a nice and rare thing? xo)

  31. Lovely interview and those illustrations are delicious!

  32. Great interview. Love the sketches!

  33. I love this blog cant believe I have only just found it xoxoxo

  34. His work is amazing, i loved this fave answer was his one to the question about what his fave project or piece of work was so that he is always looking to better his work.
    muah x

  35. so lovely illustrations! loved the interview, CC!

  36. wow! lovely! ♥


  37. He sounds so wise, I loved the interview!

  38. Wow, great interview, Carrie! Peter's illustrations are incredible :)

  39. Wow, just gorgeous! Wish I could draw like this.

  40. they are so beautiful and he is so talented. the interview was nice. he seems like a really smart and interesting guy.

  41. Such an interesting interview, I had never heard of him before so thank you!!

    And thank you for your get well wishes...finally back up and running! XOXO

  42. hey i'm back aren't you glad, well i am and these are some great creations

  43. wow, his illustrations look really good....

  44. Beautiful illustrations and great interview! Aren't you immortalized!

  45. I love how the educational question was answered.

  46. Those illustrations are gorgeous. Thanks for the interview. It's nice being introduced to unique talent.

  47. Fabulous post! Love these illustrations!

  48. Very cool interview! I love the very first sketch.

  49. wow!...the illustrations are adorable and peter just sounds so likable!...thanks for the interview!

  50. Fabulous sketches!
    Enjoy the week-end, Carrie!

  51. i didn,t know him
    his sketches are interesting

  52. gr8 interview CC, wat a true Talent

  53. loving the sketchwork. The silhouettes are amazing.
    x Laura

  54. What a great interview! The illustrations are lovely, reminds me a bit of 50's fashion illustrations:)

  55. I love this, great interview and wonderful sketches!

  56. So great!

    He is very talented, his illustrations are very poetic :)

  57. AMAZING drawings

  58. Great interview! He's so talented and it was interesting to learn about how opposite of a direction his education/background is from what he does now. His sketches are really amazing. Thanks for sharing! BTW, cool about your sister living in Rumson.. it's more south from where I grew up. :)

    xo, Becs

  59. oh brilliant, just brilliant!!! Great job CC! So...much...talent...can' :-)

  60. fab illustrations! Always a great interview!

  61. really want to go to the beach now
    wonderful interview
    his illustrations are beautiful

  62. Really interesting, thank you very much !

  63. Stunning illustrations!

    Great interview!

  64. Nice Interview.
    Human being's life sounds interesting individually.


  65. Peter is so amazing. I have been in love with his style since the first time I saw his robots. Peter is wonderful and very funny. On top of all that he is super duper talented. He is amazing! What a wonderful article. Great work!

  66. I respect your work and added blog to favorites
