Saturday, January 9, 2010

Runway Oops!

Back by popular demand, it’s CC’s Runway Oops! From titillating transparency to escapist toes, the following pics may entertain and/or offend. CC realizes that some of these “slips” were actually intentional…
First photo: V Magazine editorial. Runway coverage via except where noted.
The first failed phenomenon is the one-leg trend… ridiculously impractical, and thankfully it hasn’t caught on; though who knows? Maybe Lady Gaga will start the uni-leg trend off the runway…
Barbie’s 50th Anniversary Show; this and next via
Maison Martin Margiela
Tony Cohen
And now, for something completely different:
Alexander McQueen, via
Amanda Wakely
Anne Valerie Hash
Emanuel Ungaro
Giambattista Valli, via
Les Copains
This little piggy tried to run away!
Brian Reyes
Oscar de la Renta
Sophie Theallet
Vivienne Tam
Hope you enjoyed this edition of CC’s Runway Oops, darlings!


Siru said...

:D it happens!

juliet xxx

Jill said...

If I had 6ft long legs, I would totally wear the criss cross neck white look with the asymmetrical hem. The YPL, I think.

Unknown said...

Well, even Lady Gaga will decide that one legged suit is OK, I doubt I would follow her footsteps :-) Beautiful selection of pictures! Wishing you the most wonderful weekend!

Audrey Allure said...

haha it's amusing to see what designers will send down the runway. i've been backstage a few shows sometimes & they really do just shove any shoe onto any poor model haha

Unknown said...

Lol! This is so much fun!

Mom Fashion World said...

haha..nice ''runway ooppss'' post!
are these runway bloopers?! lol!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Well, I agree, I, too, can see gaga sporting the one leg thing :) And ewww, the shoes that don't fit RIGHT is probably the worst of things

Madeleine said...

Actually the white voile with black lower design is kind of attractive even with one leg.

The rest, well, the shoes and toes are the worst and the poor girl about to trip on her laces...outch


Suzanne said...

Haha! Even models are not perfect


This was a fun post, love it!



Bombchell said...

poor models, they just give them whatever shoes and make them work it lol

Beth Connolly said...

The toes hanging over the shoes-so wrong!

stilettolover91 said...

Not everyone is perfect , and it just shows that from this post!!

Champagne Macarons said...

Fun post, Carrie!! Have a beautiful weekend!! xoxo, B

Unknown said...

haha darling you really made me laugh!! i completely agree with your 'oops' selection, it's terrifying...especially i hate people who wear shoes there are too small (it's the opposite of chic!)

Jurgita Dileviciute said...

love love love those pictures!!!

Susanna-Cole King said...

Oh dear, really not sure about the whole one leg thing, cause really, I can go for a one arm sleeve, but one leg...I don't know...I can see Lady Gaga adopting that style though!

Thanks for your lovely comment! ♥


Delance Fashion said...

Hi Carrie,

Thanks for your comment :D And hehe I think your right maybe we'll be seeing Lady Gaga in the uni-leg trend! Love the shoes <3



Jazz Virtue said...

The one leg thing scares me! But I love this post, fantastic entertainment :)

Pearl Westwood said...

I'm quite fond of the one leg, and can forgive the odd nipple, but TOES!!! Oh my god you have no idea how much this grosses me out, great post CC really cheered me up xx

Helen said...

Looking at those feet makes me feel less horrible about mine! Can you be arrested in NYC for exposing a breast in public? I honestly don't know. I do know it wouldn't fly in Bend Oregon!

Anonymous said...

Oh lord! Those poor women...


Anonymous said...

love that :)
designers can be so silly sometimes, the fact that it will only look good on a six foot model kind of decreases their audience a little ;)

Anonymous said...

oh and hilarious about the accidental nipples!


This was a fun post to look at CC! xoxo

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

You are so clever. Thanks for the smile!


Angela said...

a fun weekend read, CC. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

This is a very cute post! It shows that even models and designers have those "oops" moments which make the shows even more entertaining to watch!

Monkey Mae said...

Hmmm....maybe Monkey Mae will try to start a one-legged-onesie trend for babies.

daisychain said...

thanks so much for posting something that put a much needed smile on my face!

Anonymous said...

Ahah, this is SO hilarious !!!
I love posts like this, I'm all smiling reading them ! ;D

Grace said...

Oh god, I hate the one leg look!

Anonymous said...


Bloc de Moda said...

Me encanta tu blog, para ver estas cosas!

Jen Hsieh said...

haha i love this post so much! it made me laugh seeing all the toes sticking out from the too-small shoes :)

Treacle said...

Oh dear! The things models go through.

Laura Trevey said...

the toes out of the shoes: Ouch!!

Siljesfashion said...

Haha, thats so funny! Great post, darling!

The Frenemy says ... said...

ieeeel, the foot of the model for preen, the dark girl

greatt postt!

Make Do Style said...

Hilarious - the toe things are the best exposure of yuk! No wonder it is back by popular demand.

Belle de Ville said...

Carrie...totally classic post!

Mai said...

haha funny post! said...

Haha so fun and awful at same time. :-D


Dumbwit Tellher said...

So pleased to know not even the sacred 'runway' is perfect. *Bliss*

Lovely weekend to you Miss CC!! xoxo

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Oh dear. I don't think the one legged trouser look is going to win me over.
And the poor models- their toes!!

Florrie x

Susan said...

oh I wish I had the body to show off XD
have a lovely weekend, darling.

HiFashion said...

ove the pics! I'm cringing for them. At least now we know that models are humans too.

Unknown said...

too funny!
just not a big fan of the toes hanging over the shoes...eeck!!
xox alison

Dith said...

LOL!!! How funny!!

Kata Wagner Berg said...

Shoes can be so beautiful on a woman leg...but when the toes are out of the shoes...ah destroy everything.

Have u seen this photo shoot of Size Issue?

The F Word Online said...

hahaha i love this post ! thanks for the sweet comment by the way

xx lue

Pedro said...

perfect perfect perfect perfect (...)*

erika sorocco said...

Ohmigosh CC this is such a fun and clever post - love it!! :)

lorenabr said...

I know it happens but for me as a designer it's a nightmare!!!

S.Elisabeth said...

Ouch all i can think of is those poor toes! And of course the cleavage malfunction is always awkwardly entertaining. And thank goodness that unileg look never caught on.

Anonymous said...

AHHH those ruffled shoes, gorgeous!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

hahahahaha. Guess no one is really perfect.

Serg Riva said...

your blog is a lot of fun...

Wanderlusting said...

hilarious! I love the REAL side of fashion though those toe ones make me cringe:S

Meg said...

I feel bad for the models who had to cram their feet into too-small shoes. Not too bad though...

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Hilarious post!
What a waste of fabric the one-leg look is. I can't help but think of a better use for the fabric, like making clothing for less-fortunate children. Makes me think of the muffin-top episode of Seinfeld (when the homeless compalin of only being given muffin 'bottoms')...where does the rest of the second leg go?! It's an unsolved mystery, kind of like the "where has the second sock gone?" question.
Take care, dear!

Haute World said...

Didn't Shakira sport the one-legged look in her She Wolf video? I think celebrities can make anything work, as long as they're performing, but it's not something I'd wear to work ;-) But I can handle that and the boob slips. What really hurts my eyes are they toes hanging over the edge of the shoes!

Denisa L said...

the shoe ones are actually funny:)

Noble Beeyotch said...

The toe pics were simply Hilarious!!!....not a huge fan of uni-legged pants myself, though I'd love to see Lady Gaga carry it off!

I'M THAT CHIQ said...

the shoe posts look painful ouch. Great pics though thanks for sharing :).

Phie Preston said...

This is great, I love the selection of pics really fun! Thanks for checking out The Fashion Smoke and for your lovely comment :) I hope you come back for more!

I V Y said...

wowowowwowowowwowoooww quite "oopsesque" but still quite cool hehe

Suzanne said...

Thank you Carrie! :)

Suusje Q.

Unknown said...

escapist toe - lol! there're guys who really dig runaway toes!

joannapple said...

sh. happens :)

Christen said...

Totally agree - especially with the toes hanging over the heels. That's a personal pet peeve of mine. And whoever thought the one-leg trend was a smart idea forgot to take their medication that day :)

Katy Mary said...

Very entertaining, so glad the 1 leg trend didn't catch on!

FashionJazz said...

Luved ur runway ooppss! Shame the models often have to wear shoes that are way to small for them : )


Swetha said...

ha ha :)the last pictures are hilarious :P

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Hmm that 1 legged pant is questionable to me... lol

~kristie~ said...

a very funny post!