Friday, January 1, 2010

10 Things

First things first, darlings ~ the winner of CC’s Relastin Giveaway is the lovely Helen of Living Boldly - congrats!
Let’s reflect rather than resolve, shall we, darlings?
Tagged by the lovely Keyola Pey to list 10 Things That Make CC Happy:
1) Couture (naturally!). This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Evi of Absolutely Ladylike.
2) Yoga and Pilates. Natasha Poly in French Vogue, February 2005.
3) New York City. Italian Vogue, December 2006.
4) Corsetry. Carmen Kass for Dsquared2, Spring 2006.
5) Beauty. Simona McIntyre in i-D, January 2009.
6) Architecture. The Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright’s museum masterpiece on 5th Avenue, is 50 years old! Celebrate by building a scale model with Legos!
7) Inspiring Interiors. This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Averill of Odi et Amo.
8) Travel. Watercolor by Laura Trevey.
9) My Fellow Fashionistas! Vanity Fair.
10) Love. CC & DG.

What makes you smile, darling?

Happy New Year!

Here's hoping you all have a fabulously fashionable 2010!


P.S. CC's got a brand new blog!


Anonymous said...

Those checks within the floor.
I wish I know how to play chess.
Happy New Year - wishing peace/happiness stay with you forever for always within style.

Siljesfashion said...

Great post!My husband always make me smile. Wish you all the best for 2010!

Leah said...

Happy new year CC... Love that last photo of you and DG.

What makes me smile? I can enumerate a hundred items, maybe that's why i smile a lot. I have a lot of reasons to smile. xoxo

stilettolover91 said...

Great photos!!!! I love the second one and the last one!! The two of you look so cute together!!!! Happy New Year!!

Marian said...

darling what a lovely post!!!
That photo of you and your boo is lovely!
Happy new year darling! Wishing you the best of the New Year! Hope you had a lovely New Year's Eve, I just posted my adventures from seeing the New Year in.
Big kiss honey

Sweety P said...

Happy New Year! What makes me smile? I would have to say fashion, music, art, my friends, my family, and shirtless men!

COCAMIA said...

Great images! Happy New Year! Lots of Good health and is all we really need...xo

Shop T.O. Live said...

Fabulous post. So great to reflect on the things that make us happy. From couture to love, it all sounds warm and fuzzy!

Maria Tavares said...

Wish you the greatest year ever! ;D
Take care!

Jen said...

Such a cute little white dress. I want it!!!


Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Oh, what lovely 10 things and photos. Great photo of you and yours! Happy New Year, dear Carrie.

Fabulous Finds Gal


Love the last photo!

Happy new year



What a great post!

P.S.: ♥Fresh start of 2010? Oh yeah, don't forget to join the Curious Sparrow giveaway!♥

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! ;))

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Your blog is one of my favorite things, CC! It always makes me smile, even when I'm having a bad day. xoxo

PS. Lovely pic of you! :)

FashionJazz said...

Happy New Year gorgeous CC! I know its going to be a fabulous one! I have soo many posts and blogs to catch up on after my mini holiday, I luved ur post soo much, I have missed them! xx

Grace said...

Couture makes me smile, too.


Love the photo of you and your boy! Awww, so sweet. I love seeing photos of you CC. I will check out your new blog too =) xoxo

Sandy said...

Happy New Year CC! Great pics ... love the one of you and DG. Here's to an amazing 2010!
And yeah, that book was fab!

Marian said...

oh darling thank you for adding to your new links honey and is perfect thank you! you are a star CC!!

Belle de Ville said...

Happy New Year!

Helen said...

I am overwhelmed (sent you a message with my address) and beside myself in anticipation. Look out 2010 ... here I come!!!!

Pretty Zesty said...

These pictures are so cool. Happy New year!!!1

Anonymous said...

And sorry for my -holiday- absence !!

How funny, that Wright for LEGO is the gift I gave to my father this Xmas xD
I'll be glad to visit your new blog !!

Frankie said...

YOU make me happy, CC! Happy new year x

Hayley said...

Great post - love the pictures!
And your new blog looks great so far!


Laura Trevey said...

Well, aren't you the sweetest thing!
I popped in to say hello, and saw my painting in your fabulous post!!

Happy New Year to you ~~
Hugs and Kisses

English Rose ♥ said...

this was so cute - loved reading your ten things - congrats!

Thanks so much for the lovely comment - sorry for the late reply

Happy New Year Darling!

All the very best for 2010 =]

Stay safe and chic
English Rose x

Champagne Macarons said...

Beautiful post, Carrie!
Life makes me smile ♥ The photo of you and your beau is lovely.
Happy New Year, darling! xoxo, B

The Frenemy says ... said...

happy new year to you as well

lovessss xoxox

Jeanne Suica Vintage & Collectable Clothing said...

Have a fashionable New year!
Jeanne Suica Vintage and Modern Clothing

Jeanne Suica Vintage & Collectable Clothing said...

Have a fashionable New Year!!!

Audrey Allure said...

great post! will you still be using this blog?

Couture Carrie said...

Thanks for all your amazing comments and well wishes for 2010, darlings!

Audrey ~ Couture Carrie will continue as usual in the future; just added a new blog because my cup runneth over with fabulous fashions!


mariemaud said...

ha, nice to know a bit more about you, espacially the picture, looking lovely
happy new year !! :*

Margaux said...

couture makes everyone happy!

Jessica said...

ok the palace pic actually made me say WOW out loud!! happy new year darling!

tofupoo said...

gorgeous post! great way to ring in the new year. new years resolutions make me smile! theres just something about making a pact with yourself to do good for yourself haha

Seeker said...

Happy New Year beautiful CC!!!


SabinePsynopsis said...

Carmen's pilates makes me smile. That's a good thing, isn't it? Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Sabine x

M said...

I like your list and agree with most of it - seems like we smile about the same things! xoxo

Denisa L said...

happy new years sweetie!!

beautiful shoes make me smile:)

Sam said...

Happy New Year CC!! You look so gorgeous in that photo!! Radiant! XX's and OO's

Averill said...

Happy New Year! Thanks so much for the shout-out, CC! That Suzanne Kasler entryway is one of my favorites, too.

Things that make me happy? Bold color combinations, graphic patterns, bubble baths, books, my darling dachshund, and of course my hubby!

Alison Kinsey said...

I completely agree with #7 and #8
Beautiful interior designs can be so inspiring to look at. And of course travel! Planning to go anywhere special this year?

xo Kinsey

Kinsey Michaels

HiFashion said...

Lovely post. I loved your 10 things! Architecture also makes me really smile. I adore beautifully built old buildings!

Katy Mary said...

Cute post! Happy New Year! <3

S.Elisabeth said...

Adore this list. Happy New Year! I'm off to check out your new blog =)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous list! I have a thing for couture and NYC too. Happy New Year dear.. hoping it brings you lots more love, blessings, and joy!

Gabbi said...

Wonderful list dear CC! I love the last photo especially... ♥

erika sorocco said...

Happy, Happy New Year CC!!

By the way, I'm absolutely adoring your new blog - have already added it to my blogroll!! :)

Susan said...

I love your list! your blog makes me smile :)
have a sweet day, xoxo

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year to you!
You have shown so many delightful images here, they are all so lovely.
Especially the last one.

Best wishes for 2010 and may it be the best year of your life.


The Blonde Duck said...

Love the last photo!

Maria said...

Happy New Year!! I hope you enjoyed it a lot! :) Kisses!!

noone said...

aww cute pic in the end! What makes me smile... hmm... buying stuff, being healthy and being around family! heh I'm fairly simple I think. Happy 2010 hun! :D

silly said...

Happy new years! Excellent photos and even more fabulous things you've choen :)

Lily said...

happy new year, cc!
hmmm actually great books make me smile the most :)

XO, lily

Roxy Teacups and Couture said...

you look great! Are you ending this blog or keeping it along with your new one?

Dith said...

aww CC & DG. lol how cute.
Alotta things make me smile & seeing people genuinely happy makes me happy because their happiness radiates.

lisa golightly said...

YOU make me smile ! And where did you find that picture of me doing yoga ? Here's to an abundant 2010 !

Jen Hsieh said...

what a lovely post. and you look gorgeous in that final picture. happy new year :)

Christen said...

Sweetest post ever! You and your fabulous blog make me smile!

Unknown said...


H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! ! :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

Awww love what makes you smile!

I smile a lot...just not in pictures because I have the whole sassy face going on hahahaha :)

Happy New Year Darling!!!

Becky Tjandera said...

Ohh how lovely this post is ! Glad to know you better dear ! :)

Meg said...

You always find such lovely photos. I hope you have a great 2010.

Swetha said...

lovely post dear:) and you look gr8!!

Happy 2010 CC!!

Unknown said...

love the staircase...great pix cc...cute couple too.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you, Carry - to you and your famiy

The Little Fashion Treasury said...

Happy New Year to you CC!!
May all your dreams come true!

How enchanted is the photo of the white lace dress.
Looooove it ;)

Have a beautiful day ahead!

6roove said...

Happy New Year!

kisses from Watching the waves :))

Unknown said...

Love the photo of Natasha Poly in French Vogue. So perfect and lovely. =)

joannapple said...

it seems we have common interests!! really sweet post!

Anonymous said...

ha! Love the LEGO Guggenheim!

Beth Connolly said...

Happy New Year-much happiness and success in the new year.