Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tag Time & Award!

Tagged by the lovely Susan of Nearly Stylish, the fabulous Dream Sequins, and the super-stylish Zupu of Bella di Giorno
Where's your cell phone- on my bed.
Your hair- blonde.
Your mother- hiker and lawyer.
Your father- loved to sail.
Favorite food- avocados.
Dream last night- too real.
Favorite drink- champagne.
What room are you in- parlor.
Hobby- painting.
Fear- loneliness.
Where were you last night- the gym.
Something that you aren't- shy.
Muffins- blueberry.
Where did you grow up- Connecticut.
What are you wearing- fedora.
Friends- dear to my heart.
Something you are not wearing- makeup.
Favorite store- Barneys.
Favorite color- purple.
Last time you laughed- last night.
Your best friend- Erika.
Place you go to over and over- New York.
Person who emails you regularly- my Fellow Fashionistas!
Favorite place to eat- Balthazar.
CC is tagging all of her Fellow Fashionistas to do this one ~ so fun!

Also, CC is the proud recipient of this award from the lovely Stephanie of Chic Femme~ thank you, love! CC is passing it along to the following fabulous Fellow Fashionistas ~ congrats to:
Missy of The Fashion Fusion
Jacqueline of Fashion Snag
Stilettolover91 of Hottest Heels
Blair of Delight by Design and
Laura of Bright, Bold & Beautiful
Be sure to visit these fabulous blogs!
P.S. Don’t forget to enter CC’s Alex Keller Jewelry and Orient Watch Giveaways! And follow CC on Twitter @couturecarrie! Thanks, darlings!


stilettolover91 said...

Congrats on being tagged!!! I love reading your answers, and love the pics u chose! Great post!

Unknown said...

mmmm avocado... one of my faves as well

Unknown said...

I love it. It's so fun to learn fun little facts about someone you don't really know, but feel like you kinda do. =)

stilettolover91 said...

OMG!!! I totally like skipped the part where you gave me the award!! Thank you sooo much!! I'm so sorry I didn't notice it =(

lorenabr said...

Great post! :) Cool answers

erika sorocco said...

Congratulations on the award, darling - and fabulous post!

I absolutely adore your take on this survey. I have seen it done time and time again on numerous blogs, but your incorporation of photographs made this one my favorite! :)

Fashion By He said...

congrast on the award

-He approves

Maria Confer said...

Congratulations on your award!! Adore these facts and lovely photos of you!!

How cute is that picture of the guy holding the frame!?


avocado is one of my favorites as well. have it almost every day with something, usually tuna =) Thanks for the award Carrie =) xoxo

Keith said...

Great photos. Congrats on being tagged. Loved reading those. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Cheers!

Tights Lover said...

Congrats on the tag and the award. I loved this post!

michelle_ said...

these are gorgeous pictues dear .
i remember that simpson picture in Vogue . i loved the whole editorial and thought it was a great althernative to the usual ones :D

and congrats for being tagged :)

cupcake♥trash said...


ScribbleBabbles said...

lol! the simpson pic is funny!

ScribbleBabbles said...

lol! the simpson pic is funny!

Susan said...

congrats on the award, darling, truly deserved! I love your list of answers and those photos of you, you are so cute :))
have a lovely day, xoxo said...



Nuheila said...

Gongrats on being tagged!!!Love the pics what you chose!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

congrats on your awards- love the shot of you w/ the fedora! :)

Unknown said...

lol I loved the test!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oooh love this tag! i think I might do it sometime soon! I'll let you know ;) fun answers!

Wanderlusting said...

oooh Fedora - very nice! Glad you included a pic :)

Closet Full of Nothing said...

such a cute post! craving avocado now :)

Unknown said...

What a delicious DESERVE it girl!!! Double scoop for me please :)-

What a F.U.N. tag too. Barney's & purple...lets just say they are definitely NOT in the same category. Lol
Have a fabulous day hun ♥

Jazz Virtue said...

Thanks Carrie!
Haha that Simpsons Versace picture is fantastic, had no idea this collaboration had been produced, thanks for sharing!

O'STYLE said...

Kate Moss is a diva!! And oh my gosh I had the same stroller!


Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Loved reading your tag, darling! The pictures made a massive difference. Congratulations of your award - well deserved!

Mondo said...

What a fab gallery - have you checked out the French fashion mag Purple. I'd imagine it's right up your rue

KP said...

I love these answers and your pics-I have a lunch at Balthazar tomorrow! xo

Angela said...

you and your friend erika are so adorable. : ) what a great post. xo

Unknown said...

beautiful post! i love purple too :) thanks for the award sweetie x

For all things fashion:

HiFashion said...

Congrats on the award. I loved reading your answers and loved the pictures you chose for them.

Lisa said...

Always great to learn more about you, CC! Mmm avocadoes...

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

congrats, darling! so fun to know more about you! xo

Aline said...

I always love learning more about you!!!

Leah said...

Congrats on the award.

Great to have parents who love the outdoors.

zupu said...

Loving your fabulous pics and answers dear! That black and white picture of the woman sitting on bed is absolutely beautiful! Me too want to go to NY over and over again :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love the concept of this tag, so funny !

Pixel Wild Child said...

sexy, sexyyyy, perfect for these cold temperatures ha! ;O) Great post and picks!!!
And congrats to you!!!

Pearl Westwood said...

Avocados are so underated, I LOVE them!!

Denisa L said...

love the pics with you dear!you look great!congrats on the award!

Petra Bellejambes said...

What a superb, fun way to get to know the person behind all the beauty.

And felicitations for the Tag!


The Little Fashion Treasury said...

You always care so much for all your posts!
This is so much work to do, CC!
Truly deserves a blog-oscar ;)

Oh, I remember these "Simpsons" pictures. They
were all so cute!!! Such a great idea!!!

Happy sunny thursday!!!

Daniela Valdez said...

Hey CC! It's been a long time!

I'm loving the new banner!! Your posts are fab as always!!

I love avocado as well, I eat avocado everyday lol.

Roxy Teacups and Couture said...

nice choices - great pictures!

Melissa Blake said...

Congrats on the lovely award!! :)

Pink Links said...

Great post! Your answers are very interesting and photos too. You are so beautiful.

I loved that "Something you are not wearing- makeup."

And purple is almost pink:):):)

I do this tag soon.

Unknown said...

Great Q & A!! the pictures are very pretty as well.

chic femme said...

Love the blog post!!! :) I loved that you put pictures in to your blog to show your answers. :) Also, you so deserved the award, doll. :)

Christen said...

I loved reading this! You are such a fabulous person :)

Sher said...

Congrats on the award CC and loved reading your tag:)

Gorgeous pics of you!!

Unknown said...

Where you were last night: the gym

my answer.

Where you were last night: eating cookies on my yoga mat on the living room floor.

You win. lol!

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Thanks for the comment, I love that purple dress sketch!
Why not follow me?
Daisymay x

Anonymous said...

Hurray! You totally deserve that award! Your blog is one of my total favs! And avocado... hmmmm it's my fav!

Amanda Correa said...

That was an awesome post! Loved the pics and the answers!!

Unknown said...

:) I love these memes...
and I also love avocados:)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Avocados, champagne, purple...we have SO much in common! :) And I love that pic of you in the fedora.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Avocado! My favorite!! And I wish I went to NYC often! :)

Taylor Sterling said...

love the answers! I love seeing photos of you!

FashionJazz said...

Aaaah I luved ur answers soo much and the fact that u posted pics with them makes them soo divine!!! Avo and champagne are also my fav!!

Hope u have a lovely weekend!!! : ) xxx

Etrapar said...

gorgeous darling, what a nice post ^.^

Mila said...

aahhhhhh that purple dress is divine!!!!!WOW!

Anonymous said...

love this pics!!!!!!
kiss!, Lu

Dislike said...

Balthaza in NYC? If that's what you refer too, I LOVE it. Ate there probably 5 times last time in the city. Have you been to a place called aurora? or L'orange blue? both those are great, french inspired.

and I've got o say that I'm impressed how fare you come with your blog.

joannapple said...

Congrats!! well I also love blueberry muffins :)

Chicago Chic said...

I love this post and such beautiful photos!! I love avocados & champagne, and my father in-law loves to sail :) Thanks for sharing this with us, love!

Have a beautiful weekend ♥

Anonymous said...

congrats on being tagged !
love your blog*°*°*

Vicki said...

great post! so glad you still publish your awards some blogs once they get really popular dont bother. i love nyc too!! cant wait to go again next year! :) xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful collected photos, I saw few of these photos on the blogs that I’ve been through. It’s nice of you to collect these.


Unknown said...

I simply adore these beautiful photos you posted. Thanks you for posting this.

accounting jobs

Valeriesoh said...

hey darling,

your blog is always and inspiration and super enlightening!!!! heeeheee

I am glad to see more outfit post with you! love it! want to see morrrrrrreee


Siru said...

Lovely tag! Nice facts!

juliet xxx

Timeless Fashion... said...

What a wonderful selection of pictures. I like the way you mixed your private pics with magazine pictures.

Gia said...

This post is fab and I a so glad you've posted some photos with you as well:)
Have a beautiful time this weekend...


C. said...

Congrats on the blog award, Carrie!

Imogen said...

Congrats on the tag. That was an interesting post and I like how you did it with the pictures too.


Woooow perfects the first and second pic, and the simpsons...



keyola pey said...

You've been nominated for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Congrats! Visit my blog for more info.
Love your blog! Take care,
Keyola Pey.

daisychain said...

I love reading answers to these =)

Unknown said...

My fear is lonliness and my dream was too real!

Crave said...

Beautiful images!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved this post and fun pics! You look so cute in the fedora and with your friend. Congrats on your awards!

xo, Becs

Beth Connolly said...

Champagne, Balthazar, Barneys, and New York-you are my kind of girl.