Saturday, November 7, 2009

Me and My Shadow

Some gorgeous editorials for you to enjoy this Saturday, darlings, while CC is living it up with DG in VEGAS, baby! Back to commenting as usual on Monday :)
AnOther Magazine, Spring 2008.
AnOther Magazine, Spring 2009.
Brazilian Vogue, January 2007.
British Bazaar, July 2008.
British Vogue, March 2009.
Chinese Vogue, Oct 2008.
German Vogue, July 2007.
Hervé Léger Resort
Italian Flair, February 2009.
Italian Flair, March 2003.
Italian Flair, May 2007.
Italian Marie Claire, November 2008.
Italian Vogue, February 2008.
Italian Vogue, July 2008.
Italian Vogue, March 2007.
Italian Vogue, November 2008.
Italian Vogue, November 2008.
Italian Vogue, October 2008.

Lula, Fall 2008.
Numero, April 2008.
Numero, May 2008.
Numero, October 2008.
Pop, Fall 2008.
Russian Vogue, March 2007.
W, August 2006.
W, February 2001.
Which shadow shines for you, darling?


Fashion Court said...

what gorgeous photos!

Anonymous said...

Magnificant darling!

erika sorocco said...

Italian Marie Claire November 2008 = fabulous! Amazing idea for a post, darling!

Have fun in Vegas! :)

stilettolover91 said...

Beautiful photos!!! The 3rd & 5th ones are definitely my favorites!!

joannapple said...

adorable post! love the violet dress on the 7th photo, gorgeous

Guapóloga said...

The Hervé Leger one is my fav!

Enjoy Vegas a lot!



PS: have you noticed now you can hear a podcast were I participate? For practice your spanish :)


gorgeous picks. have fun in vegas! I am jealous =) xoxo

LifestyleBohemia said...

Gorgeous! Love your new header for the blog :)

Ash Fox said...

this post is amazing. i love how it is a shift from posts about clothing to a post about photography.


Marian said...

darling have an amazing time in Vegas!!!
amazing editorials honey

Petra Bellejambes said...

Dearest CC - loving the Italian Vogue above the very lovable rest.

Enjoy Vegas, but please don't stay there.


Anonymous said...

Good luck in Vegas!

I am also taken by shadows.
They command my attention.
They call out to me.
I abide.

Jess-Gab said...

amazing editorials!

Unknown said...


FionaHW said...

Love this post, esp like the British Vogue, March 2009 pic with Agyness Deyn,

The Hunter,

Leah said...

Love the play of light and shadows in all these images.

Dream Sequins said...

I just love love Vegas. So over the top. Hope you're having an amazing time!!!

Amelia said...

These are amazing! They use light in such interesting ways.

Noble Beeyotch said...

A stylish post!....hope you are having a blast in vegas!

ZEPETIT said...

I love the photos tahen with shadows!


Gabbi said...

Gorgeous shadow shots dear CC! Also, trip to Vegas sounds like such fun... win big darling and have fun shopping! I love shopping in Vegas... ♥

Anonymous said...

Extraordinary imagination with The body & The shadow. Thanks for sharing. Claps. It is different and will always visible.

Keith said...

These are all so stunning.

Hope you're having a great weekend. Cheers!

Nubia said...

The first two images are my favorites they really captured me, They are all great photos.

Roxy Teacups and Couture said...

that red dress is stunning!

Unknown said...

beautiful editorial!

Nuheila said...

Beautiful photos!The 3rd and 5th ones are my favorites!!!
Have fun in Vegas!


Unknown said...

chrome yellow lips. love that.

thanks for the belt entry. it's an area i try not to tread on. i still don't agree with some combos but my mind's being changed with more such posts.

Anonymous said...

love it darling
thanks for sharing, love it as always
so great

check out my blog @

FashionHippieLoves said...

love the 3rd pic!!!


Sam said...

Wonderful selection CC! You have a real eye for the good stuff! Hope you have a terrific weekend! XX

o said...

beautiful editorials! love the geometric print dress in red & purple! viva las vegas! have fun!

Rohini said...

Love the first picture - it is so mystical. :)

HiFashion said...

Shadows add a great affect to pics. I love that one on the desert.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

paseando por tu universo... siempre encantador.

Saludos y un abrazo

Intrinsically Florrie said...

The Chinese Vogue Oct 2008 look is so pretty. =]
Gorgeous selection as usual darling.

Florrie x

B a la Moda said...

Great pictures! Love the playful game of shadows and lights. Hope you are having fun in Vegas.
B* a la Moda

C. said...

I think shadows definitely add a nice effect to photos, esp fashion editorials. Great selection of pictures, Carrie.

Laura in Paris said...

A shadow for every taste!

mode.ulation said...

awesome post! =] I love the play of light and dark in editorials, especially beauty shots!

Unknown said...

So pretty! I hope you're having fun in Vegas. The shadow effect is gorgeous!!

Chicago Chic said...

Wow, these photos are AMAZING!!!

meraldia said...

Very artistic and beautiful pictures, Carrie! Great picks!

Christen said...

I hope you are having a blast in Vegas!!! Have a drink for me!

Siru said...

I know it must be hard for the photographer, but the result is os gorgeous!

juliet xxx

Anonymous said...

lovely selection of pictures

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea, I would've never thought about it !!

The Pocket Stylist said...

Oh amazing photos I particularly love the ones in the shadows of blinds. There is something so secretive about them.


Closet Cravings said...

I love the picture of the girl who looks like she is sort of doing the "Thriller" dance. The photo is amazing. =)

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

So beautiful. I love all the black&white photos and the Numero one is my absolute favourite. Hope you had a lovely weekend, darling! x

Maria Confer said...

I love the lighting in the first two photos.


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Cool idea for a post- great choices too :) I love the 3rd to last- from Russian Vogue

Susan said...

great photos- and wow! hope you are having fun, darling! :))

missDTM said...

gorgeous pics...

Beth Connolly said...

Very cool idea for a post.

MizzJ said...

Wow where did you find all these photos??

Dyamond Edge said...

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