Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flower Girls

Floral editorial inspiration, darlings… enjoy!
Australian Vogue, March 2009
Bazaar, March 2008
British Vogue, December 2008
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Pulse
Isabeli Fontana courtesy Fellow Fashionista Absolutely Fabulous
Italian Elle, December 2008
Italian Flair, July 2004
Jessica Stam in her apartment courtesy Fellow Fashionista Absolutely Fabulous
Numero, June 2008
Pirelli 2008 calendar
Sienna Miller in Glamour October 2004
Time, Spring 2007
Velvet, February 2009
Vogue, June 2004
Vogue, April 2008
W, March 2008
Last look: Watercolor painting by the lovely and talented Laura Trevey. Visit her shop here.


stilettolover91 said...

Beautiful photos!! I don't really have a favorite one because they are all amazing!! Fabulous post!!!

erika sorocco said...

In dire need of Stam's apartment - all that purple is lovely. And Sienna Miller in Glamour October 2004? Ooh, that photograph gives me chills - she looks divine in that picture! :)

Susan said...

amazing photos, darling!
love Laura's art- she's so talented!
have a lovely day, xoxo

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Gorgeous photos! You always have the prettiest photos. :)

LifestyleBohemia said...

Beautiful photos! Def lifts my mood on this dreary & damp day here in NY.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures!

For all things fashion:

PlanetLumiere said...

love the orchids!


meraldia said...

Great post, Carrie, you made my day!

Swetha said...

superb post! the girl with bicycle picture is gr8! i loved her skirt :)


Gorgeous photos! I love the floral hippie headbands. So gypsy and bohemian.

K8 said...

all very pretty photos. :)

Anonymous said...

I love watching - excellent skills.

Anonymous said...

that 5th pic is absolutely gorgeous, just so stunning!!Oh, and I'm obsessed with flowers and florals!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous!!! Flowers do have a calmness about them and bring life into the pic. Have a wonderful Sunday hun.

Denisa L said...

these are gorgeous:x
aww and there's Coco too!!love it:x

Mom Fashion World said...

cc-i'm missing spring already but i know it will
not come soon enough. it's only fall. huh! i can't wait to see beautiful and colorful flowers on around.
fabulous and awesome photos.

Make Do Style said...

A beautiful selection indeed! Very inspiring in terms of floral print.

WendyB said...

Ooh, I want to wear huge hair with a huge flower in it.

Laura Trevey said...

Hi Carrie!!

You are the sweetest!!
Thanks for featuring my Orchid, and enjoy your Sunday....

xo Laura

Laura Trevey said...

oops! I was not signed in... but you know it's me!!

Thanks a million ~~
xo Laura

Anita Puksic said...

Beautiful pics! And I love your 'Two of a Kind' post too (:

Peace and love!

Irène said...


Blair said...

Me encanta el vestido de la 2ªfoto y el blanco y negro de Jessica Stam.

Style Justice said...

I've never really been a floral girl, i think it's hard to find a nice floral print that doesn't loook too cheesy. I have about 1 floral tank and thats it haha

Frock Around the Clock said...

I love the hair do with the red flower in it - wish I could get my hair to do something similar! :) x

Anonymous said...

lovely collection

I really like the idea of the models on easels - quite creative!

Sam said...

All so different! A feast for the eyes! Lovely as always CC! XX (I just noticed you have 1059 followers!!! Wowsers!!)

alexkeller said...

i had a shabby chic phase some years back & found a love for florals. got away from it for a bit, i'm back! proud to say i've even worn florals recently, and i'm not one for patterns

Lauren said...

mmmmm love florals... especially with dark accents for fall...


FionaHW said...

Love this post! So pretty!

The Hunter XX

Lady Thirty said...

lovely pictures!

take care sweetie!

Nuheila said...

I love this post with all beutiful flowers and Jessica Stams apartment with Morrocon door is tres chic!!!

Pau(Rox) said...

Lovely post !!!
Nice Roses ;)
XOX Carrie

C. said...

Love love love this post, Carrie. I adore flower accessorizes. I recently purchased a flower corsage and I can't wait to wear it. They're becoming really trendy these days.

Anonymous said...

Hi CC !! It's so cool to discover all the posts I missed this week ! I love your new header ! I hope you had a good week... and will have an even greater one !

Love love love <3

Becca. said...

I love editorials with flowers.
i immediately rip them out of the magazine and stick them on my wall :)
love this post!
hope you've had a good weekend carrie :)
XOXO, BECCA said...

I really love floral things! Soooo romantic...

Hope U had a great weekend!

Virginia de la Reynares said...

Wow, so many gorgeous images! Isabeli looks wonderous with that big red flower in her hair!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Love the Isabeli Fontana photo! She is one of my absolute favorites!

Happy Sunday! XO

Sweety P said...

Love this post! I love putting flowers in my hair during the summertime!

Chrisy said...

Exquisitely beautiful in here today...lovin the bath pic...and the field with the two girls...

E said...

Wow, I love that Numero photo in the bathtub. Very cool.

missDTM said...

this flower post is amazing!!! the pics are great.

Unknown said...

very beautiful editorials! i love it when nature makes an appearance into the realm of fashion. great post!

AVY said...

I'm not very inventive, so I just agree with everyone else: amazing pictures, thanks for sharing them.

Pink Links said...

Your Flower Girls are beautiful art.



Maria Confer said...

I love Laura's work!

Gorgeous floral dresses. I'll still wear mine in fall and winter.

Amelia said...

These are so, so beautiful! I really love anything flower-related :)

Allison said...

These are all brilliant - I absolutely LOVE all of them! =) All of these pictures are making me long for springtime again!

Noble Beeyotch said...

Reminds me of spring :-(

The first three editorial pics are great!!

Unknown said...

flowers are pretty much the perfect accessory...whether you want to wear one or simply style a photo with one. always lovely and fresh.

Groovy Girl said...



Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Gorgeous watercolor... Love the 2nd to last editorial photo!

J said...

gorgeous. its too bad i have a long while to wait before spring comes around!!

M said...

Love the stilt walkers! I thought I would never say this, but I miss summer so much. Can't wait to sit in the park on a blankie, sip wine and smell the flowers. All these images are fantastic, thank you for posting them! xoxox

Dane said...

Im in love with the picture of Isabeli Fontana, shes gooooorrrrgeous.

Grumpy old man said...

Lovely pics, love the one girl with the wild

Sanity Fair said...

Adore the '08 Bazaar ballgown, and that Vogue series with bikes and flowers in baskets (halfway down, hydrangea skirt). I have the entire series still. SO many great shots.

joannapple said...

I love florals! beautiful colors, I especially adore the photo from W & Sienna Miller cause she looks fabulous in everything!

Anonymous said...

Loove all of the floral photos!! They make me want to go make a floral head wreath!

x ws x

Brigadeiro said...

I'm in love with that photo/dress for 'Time Spring'! Amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

You make such great collages! I want to dress head to toe in flowers now!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

The shot in the bath is excellent.

The Little Fashion Treasury said...

You always know how to put all these beautiful pictures together.
Sienna Miller in Glamour is maybe my fav but somehow I like them all ;)

Enjoy your monday and have a fabulous start into the new week!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

ahhh makes me SO happy I am about to hit summer! florals BLOOM!

Hope you are well too lady! and Yes I am going great thanks! working my butt off but reaping the rewards it is bringing - MONEY! haha.

Stay fabuloud C! Always much love to you xxxxxxxx

FashionJazz said...

Wow, amazing post as always!! How u manage to get all these stunning pics and inspiration for us to see every day is beyond me, but THANKS so much!! I luv it!! : ) xxx

Keith said...

These are really beautiful to see especially as the weather is so cold and dreary here. Have a nice week.

KP said...

so gorgeous-I have that Stam apt in my inspiration folder-that door is so amazing. xx

Stéphanie said...

Fabulous post Carrie ! Thank you !

HiFashion said...

Flowers are a perfect accessory for all of these pictures. The phots are all gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Your blog is the best! So many goodies -- always!

edef said...

love the fun florals!

Catherine said...

So pretty =)


Beth Connolly said...

Absolutely lovely!

Beth Gales said...

What a pretty post....just love the photos!

Amazing Flower said...

so many thanks for people who put pictures on their blog. Singapore Florist