Sunday, August 16, 2009

Strike a Pose! & Dick’s Sporting Goods Gift Certificate Giveaway!

As you know, darlings, CC is a Pilates instructor and Yogi. Today’s post takes its cue from the world of yoga... Extra credit if you can name some of these poses!
Also, if you are entering today’s giveaway, be sure to read the entry qualifications carefully!
At right: 10, Fall 2005.
AnOther Magazine, Spring 2009.
British Vogue, 1991.
Chinese Vogue, October 2008.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Felinofelice.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Miss Neira.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Too Many Tights.
Christy Turlington on a 2001cover of Time.
Christy’s book.
Christy on the cover of Vogue, October 2002.
Dazed & Confused, August 2006.
Elle, July 2003.
French Vogue, April 2007.
French Vogue, February 2005.
French Vogue, February 2006.
German Vogue, August 2008.
Italian Vogue, July 2007.
Italian Vogue, September 2008.
Japanese Vogue, July 2007.
Linda Evangelista in French Vogue, June 1989.
Madonna in W, 2003, photographed by Steven Meisel.
Miranda Kerr quoted in Australian Vogue, January 2008.
Yogis Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman, via
Spanish Vogue, March 2007.
Sting and Trudy, via
This photo courtesy
Tanya Dziahileva backstage at Jean Paul Gaultier, via
V, November 2008.
Vogue, June 2003.
Vogue, October 2004.
Vogue, September 2002.
Speaking of sexy sports, CC has some fabulous news! CC and Dick’s Sporting Goods are giving away a $100 Gift Certificate to one lucky reader. One Week Contest: To enter, just: (1) follow @dickssportcmo on Twitter and (2) in the comments section, answer the question "What would you buy at Dick's with $100 and why?" Shop here. One entry per blogger, please. International contestants welcome. Winner to be chosen via at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 23, 2009. Good luck, darlings!


Monica said...

I took yoga during college for 2 semesters, but the only poses I can remember doing from here are the "v sit" and the "bow pose."
With the gift certificate, I would buy some exercise gear since my transfer college has free access to the gym for students. Although, since I'm not on twitter, I might be cut out of this contest.
Good Luck to all of the entries.

PinkBow said...

amazing, i love yoga too. i have the christy turlington book, very inspiring images said...

Amazing! :-)


Beth Connolly said...


stilettolover91 said...

I love it!!!! Such amazing pics!!! Fabulous post!!

Maria Killam said...

Thanks Carrie, I'll comment again after my post goes up tonight! Your blog is stunning!

Linda said...

I love this post!! It was amazing :D

Anonymous said...

These are SO cool!! I want all of these clothes! Fabulous post darling!

Swetha said...

i never thought you would use Yoga as a theme to post!! its superb!

erika sorocco said...

Ooh, j'adore that pose from Elle - July 2003. How she manages to keep her face so perfect while in such a strange position is amazing!

Oh, I am following Dick's Sporting Goods on Twitter, and if I won the gift certificate I would buy...the Sperry Top Sider Pelican Tall Slip On Waterproof Boots. So cute! :)

Make Do Style said...

I'll do yoga if I can get a behind like the model in the white suit!

Arushi Khosla said...

I do yoga AND pilates, considering I'm Indian, it's kind of obligatory.
It's great and gets you to be really flexible and refreshed.
Fab pictures, darling!

Bahrain Fashion said...

Those are some moves!

I love the Vogue 75 years cover ;)

Sweety P said...

I love when poses are like shapes. I love the V shape pose!

Gabbi said...

Amazing giveaway and wonderful yoga inspired post dearest CC! Must confess, I've never tried yoga, only pilates. But my good friend has been trying to get me to go to a hot yoga class with him for some time and now I just might do it. Those arm balance poses are mind blowing by the way... much respect for my favorite CC.♥

Siru said...

No I think I should do yoga if it makes me look as good! :D

juliet xxx

Unknown said...

OMG what an amazingly awesome post! Some of these a literally mind-boggling!

And thank you sweetie for the Congrats, I hope I passed b/c I can never go through this again.

O'STYLE said...


Olga xx

Unknown said...

very pretty! it sort of hurts just looking at these pictures.

O'STYLE said...

I added you to my blog roll, I hope you don't mind.

Thanks for your lovely comment!

Olga xx

T said...

What a fantastic way to stay in shape. The poses are so powerful!

Marian said...

hey honey, its wonderful that your a Yogi, i have always wanted to try Yoga!
i love the Vogue 75 anniversary issue cover


Love all the yoga posses! fashion got a new dimension!


zupu said...

Oh I really need to practice yoga more, I have been so lazy this summer with hot weather! Such gorgeous photos and definitely inspiring to start stretching!

. said...

Fabulous flexible images!

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

wow...this post is fantastic! i love yoga and i'm pretty flexible but madonna is just amazing.


Anonymous said...

I answered the 20 Questions! Check out my blog ;)

Frankie said...

CC, you never fail to think up incredible post ideas and find the best images! How I have missed reading your brilliant blog!


ilovecoolthings said...

i wonder if fashion models can do yoga better because of those looooong limbs?!

great post!

WendyB said...

I'm so inflexible, I could never get in those positions -- darn, now I'll never be a supermodel!

LifestyleBohemia said...

I love yoga, and these models make it look so beautiful & elegant!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I have to say Christy Turlington still dominates the scene, she is gorgeous

Madeleine said...

Wow to Christy Turlington !

Keith said...

Great photos. I've wondered about yoga. I do have a DVD that I've fooled around with a few times. I know a lot of people who really seem to love it and get benefit from it.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Gorgeous selection. I've taken yoga classes a few times...would love to start up again.

Penny said...

wow! those are some intense poses!!!!

Miranda said...

ah i know some of these but i don't remember hte names!
so amazing though
i love yoga
and if you're a pilates instructor you must have ROCK HARD ABS <3
it's so hard!

melissa kaye said...

Amazing post! And, I LOVE practicing yoga. I miss Bikram..I need to go back soon. :)

If I were to win I would buy some new Asics running shoes. Found here:

~Melissa Kaye

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

It's all ridiculously amazing.


Nubia Mejia said...

I hope you know I can do all these poses haha I wish! I did take yoga though. What great inspiring images. They all look so concentrated and somewhat liberated.

Little Bow Prep said...

Cool post!

Glowing Doll said...

You always have the best giveaways!

kokostiletto said...

WOW look at Christy Turlington!!!

Allison said...

I LOVE yoga! That picture of Sting and Trudy (in warrior position, do I get brownie points? ;) is so beautiful =)
Hmmm, what I would buy with the gift certificate...I do need a new school backpack, and have my eye on the North Face Heckler looks like the perfect combo of style and practicality for school =) What a great contest!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, darling CC!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Each photo is so unique with it's different pose .... changing the entire feel of the photo - love it!

Midtown Girl said...

Miranda Kerr is so gorg. I would love to raid her closet ;-)

As for yoga - I have a short attention span, so it would actually stress me out! LOL ;-) MG

Charlotte said...

Great compilation of photographs! I feel like doing yoga right now! Hope you are having a great summer

Rachel Follett said...

This is fabulous. Never knew there were so many poses!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I really want to start yoga. What are your thoughts on Bikram? (Is that the one in the hot room?) My friend wants me to take a class with her but I've heard of people passing out! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

XOXO!! Liz

Lilly said...

I love the adidas Athletic Wind Jacket Womens. Great!
I really like these photos.
Thanks a lot!

Susan said...

wow, I didn't know you are an instructor, how awesome! I love yoga, too.
this seleciton made me wanna go and take a class :)
I left you an award on my blog, darling!
have a lovely week, xoxo

Jo Bryan said...

I would buy the Field & Stream Field Master 40 Deg Sleeping Bag, I am fed up with a lumpy sleeping bag that saw the best of camping 20years ago.

I am the 2,835th twitter follower.

Terence Sambo said...

ouuuuu la la!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j'adore CC i dnt mind dem doin all d acrobatic stuff on me :o]

Anonymous said...

i love cristy Turlington!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Gorgeous post! Although French Vogue looks more like kamasutra ;))) Hope you had a wonderful weekend, darling! xxxxx

Unknown said...

I think you have such an amazing profession! I love yoga, but still chikening out of taking pilates. I hear is the most difficult class there is in the field of fitness. I loved absolutely every picture, but my most favorite is Vogue cover with C.Tarlington. Thank you for this amazing post especially since I started my morning with deliberating on if I should attend my yoga class this evening:-))).
P.S. Dear Carrie, the winners of the Contest are announced!:-)))I would love to send you a box of Godiva chocolates to thank you for being so great and fabulous. Please, e-mail me your shipping address to :-)))Hope you will enjoy it!

Jim @ said...

I am now following them on Twitter (@cooldads). I would buy a new golf bag because mine is old and out of style (style is something CC knows a lot about!).

Kati said...

Amazing, I should really try that once!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I haven't taken yoga since college but I've been thinking that I need to get back into it. My flexibility is all but gone. The only poses that are remember are downward facing dog and child's pose (my fav). Ah ha

Imogen said...

How very creative. I like this post.

meraldia said...

So cool!

Anika said...

Wow, CC, I'm more than impressed you are a yoga instructor. I love yoga but am too impatient and don't have enough time to do have to resort to a crazy insane workout in the shortest time possible. I'd love to do yoga. And be more limber too :)

Love the pics too.....these are some crazy poses....incredible!

Hope you're having a great week bella

KP said...

this is so cute, I can't believe you found all of these!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

These are such FUN photos! I love them. I'm not too familiar with yoga (shame on me...I'm half Indian) so I can't name any of these for you. Lol. I had no idea how many yoga poses were incorporated into fashion editorials. That's pretty cool.

Hmmm...with my gift certificate I would buy a really fab tent. My boyfriend and I have wanted to go camping for AGES but cannot afford a decent tent. It's so sad.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I'm following them on Twitter now too. I'm Jenniferb02.

Halie said...

Great post and giveaway! I would definitely buy some fabulous running shoes to get me motivated to work out, haha. The Nike Women's Air Max Torch+ 5 shoes are perfeccttt! {}

Unknown said...

I really enjoy doing yoga; it's great for pre/post workout stretches.

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, what lovely photos--especially love the last one--she make sit look so easy! I love yoga but definitley don't look like any of these ladies! Hope you had a great weekend! xx

Crave said...

All I can say is WOW! Beautiful photos and intriguing positions!

Lizzie said...

I so wish I still took yoga!

And I follow them on twitter @wizfoe!

If I won I would buy the Ogio Diva cart bag because I really wanted a pink golf bag but I have a weird blue one and this is soooooooooo cute! And on sale ! :)

Sierra said...

What a fun giveaway, I most recently have gotten into Yoga and I love it, love how these ladies are striking the pose! Thanks for another great giveaway CC!

Cindy said...

I'm following Dick's Sporting Goods on Twitter. If I won... I would buy my bf a new pair of Merrell shoes. His old ones are stinky and ready for the trash. Gross! :P


Anonymous said...

beautiful pieces
thanks for sharing, as always!!
i love them

check out my blog @

Unknown said...

I love yoga. It makes me so zen!

Amanda K said...

Awesome Giveaway!
I would buy the Wai Lana Total Yoga Kit.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh wow, amazing's insane how flexible yoga is.

As for what I'd buy at Dick's...perhaps some new running shoes or outfits.


Anonymous said...

i wish i knew some of those poses; i'm only good for pilates! i can spot a "taser" but that's about it. ;)

as for my Dick's wish list: i'd have to go with my kid's t-ball needs. he's growing like a weed and needs new pants, cleats, and a glove. how nice to have a GC for those yearly expenses!

and yes, i follow Dick's Sporting Goods on twitter. my ID is: GradSchoolMommy

thanks for great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would buy new running shoes!

Becca Scheuer said...

I'd get some new running shorts and some exercise equipment for my dorm room. Thanks for the giveaway!

madison said...

This is such a great post! Yoga is so much fun and so relaxing. I don't have a Twitter, much to my friend's dismay but if I won I would get a new DeBeer Women's Envy Lacrosse stick. I have been fiending after one of these babies for years plus my old stick is on it's way out!

Unknown said...

fabulous post! some of those posses are just amazing..

Lisa said...

I see the camel.... :) I think I'd get this CamelBak:

I follow Dick's (

Noble Beeyotch said...

Just looking at these pics has me all tired and washed out.

Hats off to you for being an instructor!

Noble Beeyotch said...

Ooh...i forgot to answer the giveaway question. Since i am not much of a sportsperson, i guess i would buy either a backpack or sunglasses from dikes. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Cassie Wallace said...

Hahaha, I love all of your collages but this one is crazy!

Unknown said...

Great post, very creative!

my dick's wish list: some new running shoes because i love to run

Rob Peach said...

Nice. This man needs some new running gear!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

wow! amazing poses! I'd choose a lovely top and skirt for my salsa dance classes! thanks! xo

Peter Breese said...

Fantastic post!

Anonymous said...

Ahah, this is the greatest post ever ! We can feel your passion for it, I think ! I'd love to make pilates !

Doreen said...

I'm following Dick's on Twitter! I would choose some great work out clothes as I'm working on losing weight. This is an awesome giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

Follow Dicks Sporting goods on twitter-AutumH
I would have to put the gift certificate towards replacing our neighbors trampoline as my 6 year old hacked the springs up with a saw.(gotta love em')

PowerSweepstaking said...

I'd buy a pair of footjoy golf shoes with my alma mater insignia Ohio State

Michelle said...

About a year and a half ago my gym at home started a zumba class. I decided to try it and was hooked ever since! New gym clothes would be awesome! Since school is going to be starting again, I like to go to the gym to get away from the stress of school.

bettycd said...

following Dick's Sprorts - bettycd
and I would replace my running shoes.

Barbara Montag said...

Following dickssports at Twitter.
I'm starting a yoga class so I would love to get some new yoga workout clothes.

Evie O'Connor said...

I'd love some work out clothes and maybe a Steelers apparel! Thanks for the chance to win!

Diane said...

Id love to get the Wincraft Buffalo Bills 2 x 6 Vinyl Banner if i won! It would be great for tailgating!

Steph said...

I haven't tried yoga yet, I'm not sure I'm flexible enough!

With the certificate I'd by a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey to get ready for the season!!