Thursday, August 6, 2009

Haute Home

Fashion and interior design & architecture make magic together, darlings!
At right: Australian Vogue, November 2007.
Australian Vogue, September 2007.
British Vogue, June 2006.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Pulse.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Le Journal de Mode.
i-D, September 2008.
Italian Marie Claire, November 2008.
Italian Vogue, December 2007.
Italian Vogue, September 2003.
Japanese Vogue, July 2008.
Pucci ad, Spring 2005.
Which of these opulent spaces is your favorite?

P.S. Reminder: One more day to enter CC's Trove Tkees sandal giveaway... scroll down, darlings!


meraldia said...

These photos are definitely works of art!

Keith said...

These are so stunningly beautiful. Great photos. Hope you are doing well. Cheers!

Kira Aderne said...

I love to think that Australia has some similarities to Brazil...almost the same weather and beautiful beaches...So I love everything about their counrty and fashion!

Mo said...

1,2,3 and 5 are my absolute favorites. specially 5, chic on the steps? Love it!

Unknown said...

Amazing shots!!

Verdigris Vie said...

A post that marries my two loves. Perfect Carrie!


Sweety P said...

Lovely photos!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

How'd you get that pic of me in my orange suit! I wish.....
You find the most amazing photos.


Jennifer Fabulous said...

Gorgeous photos! Makes me wish my apartment wasn't so drab. Sigh. I especially love the photo of the model in that big poofy dress in the ballroom. So glamorous! said...

What a great editorial CC! Totally gorgeous...


The Townhouselady said...

These images are absolutely incredible. You find the most amazing things to share with us.

thank you!

Exotic Glam Design said...

What a beautiful photos!

stilettolover91 said...

Absolutely stunning!!!!! You're posts are always amazing though!!! =)

Arushi Khosla said...

Gorgeous. Fashion meets plush interiors. What else could we ask for?

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, these homes!! It seems so fitting that couture should be shot in a "haute home" :-) Love it!

Opé - Style Artist said...

That is gorgeous!I always have dreamed of a shoot like this for myself. One day soon.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Love the model in Greece. It's my dream to go there!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Gorgeous! So grand and chic. I don't know if it's just me but I really do not get that winner of the Australia's next top model (Featured in Australian Vogue), she's just so sad, pale and sad, again... Adore black & white photograph.


Anna said...

that first pic is gorgeous!

Ela said...

These homes are gorgeous! I'd never want to leave :) Don't think I can pick a favourite! xx

Kati said...

Lovely houses and furniture!

Anonymous said...

The location of an editorial is nearly as important as the clothes. I love the June 06 British Vogue picture the orange dress gives the image such a dramatic effect and adore the image from the november 08 italian marie claire it reminds me so much of the Romanovs. x

Swetha said...

Hey Darling.. this Post is lovely.. i loved the orange color!

Maria Confer said...

I would be very happy indeed to live in any of these lush interiors.

Gia said...

Such an architectural high fashion post, love it!
Take care dear!


WendyB said...

Love the one with the orange -- whatever it is. Dress?

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Cheers Couture Carrie! Another stunning post. I love a bit of design thrown in today. Fashion and design sure go hand in hand.

Beth Connolly said...

The Rodney Smith-I Iove his work.

Susan said...

wow! gorgeous! the black and white photo with the white gown is my fav.
have a lovely evening, xoxo

Anonymous said...

these shots are gorgeous!!
i love your posts, so much color and variety
love them!!!

check out my blog @

erika sorocco said...

Italian Vogue. September 2003. Most divine space ever. I can just imagine Marie Antoinette hosting lavish parties there! :)

Iva Messy said...

amazing photos. I love the last one!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Why don't I look like that when I'm hanging out in my living room? Ah ha

Sierra said...

Love the photo from British vogue, all wonderful photos though. I am in love with their dresses!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I wnat to be wherever the girl is in the oragne dress!

Diego R. Wyatt said...

The combination of architecture, immaculate decor and high fashion is mind-blowing. My absolute favorite is the editorial from Italian Vogue, September 2003. The decor reflects opulence at its best, but is outdone only by the look the model is wearing. Stunning!

Freefall Blog

Dream Sequins said...

Is your home teeming with fashion magazine archives?


Cesc said...

Fantastic photos. They give me blear vivion of my future home outta be like. Especially the second one. Lovely post!


Vintage Lollipops said...

Down to an artform, they just seem to go hand-in-hand, don't they!

I'm dying over the very whimsical-Alice in Wonderland elements of the Italian Vogue, September 2003 image. It's so captivating and inspirational.
Sigh, if only my dining room looked like that! xxx

Elizabeth Marie said...

These are so striking! I don't know where to look!!

Happy Thursday CC! XOXO!

Make Do Style said...

The orange flowing dress, the blue of the sea and the white steps are divine!

freeteyme said...

both fashion and the architecture in these photos left me breathless =)

Syed said...

For a brief moment when I was younger I wanted to be an interior designer, and I still plan out my dream home. That shot from Japanese Vogue is so stunning, and I absolutely love the colours in that shot from Vogue UK!! Hope you're having a beautiful day dear :)

prettyneons said...

OK one word ---divine!

PeAce & BoWs...
prettyneons X

Wanderlusting said...

The pic from British Vogue is stunning!

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

those shoes in that italian vogue pic are insane!

Deine kleine Schwester said...

the more important question is: what are they doing at my main house, my second house and my holiday/weekend house???? ;)
WOOOOOOW - thanks for posting this lot of great location pictures, dear! i'm very keen on the first and the second picture :-D
Wishing you a wonderful day!!!!
xoxoxo, Sofie

Unknown said...

very pretty! where do u find all those pictures?

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I totally agree CC indeed...Fabulous!


Monica said...

Gorgeous mix of fashion and architecture.

Anonymous said...

Amazing post !! I'm always looking at deco blogs and stuff these months !

I'm really sorry I couldn't comment your other - always fantastic - posts these days !


The Little Fashion Treasury said...

Happy thursday to you, CC!!
How are you doing today?
I know I said before but I´m always fascinated how you pick all these fabulous pictures for your posts!

My voted #1: British Vogue Cover from 2006!!!

Enjoy your day, CC with lots of sun and happiness!!!

Analisa said...

I love these!

Amanda K said...

Lovely photos!

KP said...

I know it should be about the clothes-but I die for that couch. Lilac leather? Amazing!

Angela said...

CC, i need a new house!

Siljesfashion said...

Fab! Cant choose, so many goodies here.

Brigadeiro said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Wish my house looked like any of these! :)

Villa Bisono said...

Hello My lovely one! Thanks so much for your sweet comments! OMG, these pictures are to die for! How lovely, especially now that I am so into interior design and would love to pursue it in the future! Thanks for taking the time to post these pics, very inspirational to me.



Unknown said...

Give me a house by the water any day!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, CC! You read my mind! I just got a brand new (and very empty) Manhattan apartment. It desperately needs to be furnished. In my mind I want it to look like these photos (lol, won't happen) but I will give it a shot!

Meg said...

Stunning photos of gorgeous homes.

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, I so so so agree!! xx b

Tiffany said...

gorgeous interiors! wouldn't it be great to live in one of those places?

Gabbi said...

Lovely!! I'm voting for British Vogue (June 2006) for the view...xo

Unknown said...

interior design magazines have only just recently caught my interest and now I'm obsessed. Fashion & interior design & architecture really do go hand in hand. These photos are all so beautiful--I can't wait to have a place where I can create my own dreamy environment,


Lily said...

Gorgeous photos. Everything is so opulent.

Midtown Girl said...

Most of the furniture in my apt is tufted (leather & fabric). Haute enough?

Gorg pics. Love everything home decor related!


Lady Thirty said...

my favorite is Le Journal de Mode.
have a nice weekend!

Lady Thirty

Terence Sambo said...

Architecture plays a big role in fashion u find various architects crossin into fashion design with very rad concepts ...

Stephani Bryant said...

Your knowledge in the industry truly shows! Thanks for sharing!

Fashion Moment said...

I absolutely ADORE this post, darling! You always make the most fabulous selection!

And, thank you for the mention! It's means a lot for me!


Jim @ said...

Some great architectural detail in those homes. It is all in the detail. Have a great weekend!!

Dane said...

I love the maxi dress in the last photo..

Delmy said...

Love all the photos...I always want at least one piece from every photo.

MizzJ said...

Lovely photos CC! I feel quite sad now as even the wallpaper in these editorials is more glamourous than me

T said...

The home in the Steven Meisel, Sept. 03 Vogue is so glamorous!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Ohh woah thanks for sharing these! They are all so simply stunning and breathtaking!


Little Bow Prep said...

The first two are gorgeous!