Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dog Days

CC’s gone to the dogs, darlings!

Hope you enjoy my "pet project"!
Agy and pups in NYC, October 2008; this and next via
Amber Valletta and puppy.
Australian Vogue, January 2008.
Backstage at Heatherette, 2006, via
Bazaar, June 2007.
British Vogue cover, November 1989.
British Vogue, September 2008.
Chinese Vogue, June 2008.
Club Monaco ad, Fall 2008.
This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Gin & Roses.
Dolce & Gabbana, via
Ellen von Unwerth photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Captivate Me.
Front row at Matthew Williamson, 2008, via
Italian Vogue, February 2009. CC adores this photo!
Miranda Kerr at Heatherette, 2005, via
Miranda Kerr courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Titbits.
Sisley ad, Spring 2005.
Teen Vogue, June 2006.
Yasmin Warsame backstage at Heatherette, via
Yves Saint Laurent ad, Fall 2007.
Vogue, July 2007.
Vogue, June 2008.
Vogue, March 2008.
Vogue, September 2007.

Which is your preferred pup, darling?



Etrapar said...

I couldn't kiss a dog...maybe a should I call my babie...puppy? hahaha

Unknown said...

My favorite little one was my Tibetan Spaniel. she went everywhere with me.

Arushi Khosla said...

Let me count the ways I love this: Stunning photography, gorgeous models, adorable pooches and drool-worthy clothes. said...

I love Valentino's photo... Adorable!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

it's official...i need a dog.

Fashion Moment said...

Hello darling! Thank you for the comments, hope you're fine!
Fantastic idea for this post!
I've been miss your posts!


Unknown said...

Fantastic post!! My favorite! I especially love the Vogue cover, but all are superb! Thanks xxx

Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

really cute postttt

loves agyness dog! =)

meraldia said...

Lovely pictures, wow!

Anika said...

CC, how cute...another fave post!
I love the little furry critters and especially the big guy...he's a true blue cutie :)

hope your week is going well....what have you been upto thus far?

Gia said...

Oh dear you did such a great job with this post, fab photos, so much fun to see:)


Daniela Valdez said...

Aaaaw puppies are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Aww, what cute pups! And fab clothes :)

Linda said...

Sooo cute! I really love the very last ad.
Dressed up and holding the puppy : ) That is so cute!

Dream Sequins said...

No Paris Hilton? :)

Dallas Shaw said...

adorable, love everything about the chic dogs. my dogs a made an appearance on my blog today coincidentally


stilettolover91 said...

Awesome post!!! I love doggies!!! I have a shih-tzu who is 4 years old, i love him soooo much!!!

William Street Store said...

So cute!!! I love all of these!
U love my dog so much, I can't wait to see her in 4 weeks!!!

Kati said...

The dogs are all so cute!

Madeleine said...

How cute, I have the cutes little Jack Russell (he takes up my Blog :D

erika sorocco said...

This is the epitome of puppy love! Fabulous finds, darling! I would gladly take any pup home with them all! :)

Anonymous said...

lovely pooches! makes me miss mine who's back home in Finland!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Oh, darling, it's nice to see that my earlier pet post inspired you! I love your choice of photos. Natalia's editorial is still my number 1 favourite, it was one of her best photoshoots, in my opinion. So glamorous. x

Anonymous said...

I love Natalia's one (with the purple dress)**** really nice post*

WendyB said...

Speaking of chic dogs, I just saw this one ( again IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT! She never moves!

Diego R. Wyatt said...

I love that people actually bring dogs backstage and to the front row of fashion shows. Miranda Kerr and Amber Valetta look amazing. I love the use of dogs in these editorials as well. Lovely.

Freefall Blog

B said...

The Chinese Vogue shot is intriguing! I like that tree in the background.


Tiana Couture's Addict said...

Recently I was think of buying a small dog, I like they am all to adorable!^^♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

this is so much fun!
loving every single bit of this puppy love
gorgeous shots!

check out my blog @

Sierra said...

Oh yay fashion has gone to the dogs, lol! I think you know what dog I love after my blogging, I am hopelessly in love with doxie pups. Love fashion with dogs, what a wonderful mix. Similar with Juicy advertising as well! XO

kokostiletto said...

omg this is SO SO SO CUTE! i love it! i love little dogs. i just don't like it when people carry them around the mall..

Unknown said...

agy is such a cutie!!!

Brunch at Saks said...

SO cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun post CC! My favs are def. the Agy pic and Miranda Kerr's adorable Yorkshire Terrier. Too cute!

xo, Becs

Unknown said...

Another fabulous post!! Love dogs..and of course (my) Maltese had to be at a fashion show!!
Hope you are having a great day!

Diana said...

This post has so much cuteness - it's interesting how certain breeds seem more prominent in fashion photography.

Haute World said...

Such a great post! I am such a dog lover (cats on the hand... are just ok). Although I'm not the biggest fan of the little rat dogs, I just love all these editorials. The pugs are the best, and there's something so elegant about having a Doberman or a Great Dane walking next to a lady. I so wish I could get a dog, but it wouldn't be fair on him/her considering I live in an apartment... sigh.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Love this CC! Valentino & pugs pic is so CHARMing!! LUV!

Elizabeth Marie said...

This just made me smile...models, fashion, and puppies all in one! How fun CC! XOXO

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Awww this just might be my favorite post of yours! I love all the puppies. Soooo adorable!! My favorite pic is the one of the dog having champagne. Hehehe. ;)

Jim @ said...

I actually saw a purple dog yesterday at the groomers, like the pink one shown. Sort of neat to see in person.

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

Beautiful!! I want to be in one of those pictures with my weenie pups ;)

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

i love them all! i'd have to say my favorite are my 2 doggies feisty jack russell...and one 100 lb. loveable weimaraner :)

great post cc as always!!!

Maria Confer said...

Since I have two dogs, I have to say my preferred breeds are a pug and chihuahua.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Cute! I love the dogs front row for runway shows. I loove bulldogs, but I have allergies to dog fur. I will need to get a hypoallergenic dog!

Susan said...

I am in love with dogs... what a lovely post, darling!
happy Thursday, xoxo

Lady Thirty said...

oh how cute!

today I got my lovely scarf!!! thank you so much!

lady thirty

Unknown said...

so adorable! is it possible to love looking at dogs but not actually hold them? well that's how i feel.. great post as always! :)

Laura said...

Such a great post darling CC! And sometimes it really can be a dog's life...

Tori said...

Really cute post!! I love using my 15 pound chihuahua in my photos hahaha.

Polished Sense said...

I love dogs! I love the photograph of Valentino and all the models in their red dresses. Such a beautiful photograph!


Anonymous said...

Carrie this is such an adorable post..i'm in love with Miranda Kerr's chihuahua xxx

C.Elizabeth and Natalia said...

Gorgeous photographs and lovely little dogs! I miss having a dog deeply... I've always prefer quite big dogs, like the beautiful border collie!


Anonymous said...


Bradford said...

now this is the best post ever!

Angela said...

ahhhh how cute. i love dogs. can't wait until i can have one of my own again.

zupu said...

I love this post Carrie! I'm so eager to get a puppy but I try to wait for a while still because I want to give her more time.. Such lovely pics, grazie!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Oh, fabulous! I saw the title & immediately started scrolling through to find Valentino & his Pugs, and there he was - thank you!

Aline said...

my all time fav post of yours!!!

Unknown said...

ohboy...I'd love a pup. I love dogs so much but we can't have them in our building. I think my preferred would be a sister has one and I love her. I'd want something small but not too small...something that would do well in the city. love this post, dearie!

Rosie Parsons Photography said...

Hee, they are all so cute! I'm photographing a wedding couple with a dalmatian on Saturday, can't wait!

myvogue said...

Amazing pictures! Soon I am taking home my baby - super cute boston terrier girls that will be called Julia. I can't wait :))

Miranda said...

i want a pooch!

Unknown said...

this post is so darn cute! i love it! my favorite is the Valentino pic with all of the models surrounded by cute.

Jadore-Fashion said...

i love puppies, i really want a yorkie terry!

Noble Beeyotch said...


Such an adorable inspirational post. It is quite different from the posts you do!

E said...

Damnit! This reminds me how much I want a dog!!!

MizzJ said...

This post is uberly cute!!!

jess said...

Aaww so cute. I love dogs.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

If I looked that chic holding one, I just might consider becoming a dog person.

Nubia Mejia said...

I have a chihuahua so everyday feels like puppy day, shes so hyper. These pictures are great.

Tiffany said...

oh you know i love this! my two favorite things fashion and puppies!

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, love it CC! From a dog owner I think they are the best accessory:) xx

Unknown said...

Hmmm, how could i choose? My golden ould be my favorite of all time though. Do you have a pup?

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

all the doggies are so cute

Susan B said...

Fabulous post! Thanks so much for the puppy pics.

Nicole Marie said...

ahhhhh i love it!! i love all of them!! i'm going to give my doggie a kiss now :)

Siru said...

I am a cat girl, but these fellows look cute!

juliet xxx

Laura in Paris said...

Dogs and fasion, a great sell! I spotted immediately the little duchshund in the first picture; my daughter Mary-Laure has a four legged friend just like that one (!

T said...

Miranda Kerr has the cutest dog!

Fashion and more said...


Amelia said...

I'm not really a dog person, but I've had a serious craving to take pictures of dogs, lately.

daisychain said...

I want a dog!

I'm at a new blog now

cherry_melancholic said...

Dogs can be adorable. I used to paint my dog's nails, a lovely shade of magenta! She looked so classy xxx

Keith said...

I guess I must have missed this post. I'm not really a dog person. I prefer cats. I do think these pictures are wonderful.

Beth Connolly said...

The last photo on the bottom right is a carbon copy of my Isabella.

HiFashion said...

I love dogs. I could never have one because my mum's scared of them :(. But they are all soooo cute.

Amanda K said...

I love doggies! So precious..

Hannah said...

haha this is such a gorgeous collage! i think non-toxic animal hairdye is one of the best inventions ever.

Raquel said...

cute cute cute!!

Mom Fashion World said...

hi cc!
all pictures are stunning and fabulous!

Gabbi said...

ADORABLE dearest CC!!! I'm in love with all these gorgeous doggies...xoxoxo

Tracey Ellle said...

ur killing me with this one carrie... GORGEOUS... all... absolutey stuning!!!1

Anonymous said...

omg sooo cute! i really wish i had a dachshund! that pink poodle is crazy fun!

SOS! said...

i want a doggie!
xx-LJ from SOS!

Little Bow Prep said...

The January 08 Australian Vogue is darling!

I also adore the Feb. 09 Italian Vogue, July 07 and June 08 Vogue pics!

Midtown Girl said...

I cannot look at a pic of a pom with out calling out my baby dolce's name - My fav doggies in the world ;-)

The Sydney Girl said...

hi lovely! did a post on how i love dogs and linked you :) xxx