Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fashionable Summer Goals

CC decided to set some reasonable (and yes, fashionable!) goals for the summer season... They are as follows:
1) Get to NYC for the Barneys Warehouse Sale in August. This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Absolutely Fabulous.
2) Tan only with SPF. Christian Chaize photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Ciao, Chessa!
3) Organize iTunes songs into diverse and awesome playlists to play at the beach. Vogue, January 2008.
4) Don tights whenever appropriate/possible... CC’s collection is ever-expanding, and a moratorium has been issued until all pairs are worn! Basso & Brooke floral leggings at Neiman Marcus.
5) Have a fabulous cocktail party, just for the gals. How adorable are these invitations from
6) Be a more frequent museum-goer. Bazaar, November 2007.
7) Develop and teach a Water Yogalates/aerobics class. W, August 2006.
8) Don all new bikinis sometime before summer ends. Metallic dot bikini at
9) Embellish some tanks with beads, ribbons, buttons, chains, studs, etc. DIY inspiration: AKA New York bead necklace tank, at
10) Have a posh picnic, complete with formal finery and parasol. CC loves to make an occasion to get dressed up!
11) Have a wonderful 4th of July! Bazaar, May 2005.
Hope you are all having a fabulously fashionable weekend!
Tell CC, darlings, what goals have you set for yourself this summer?


stilettolover91 said...

awesome pics!!! i love the bathing suit in the 4th to last pic!! i want it, she makes it looks so hot! gorgeous model!! awesome post as always!!!

Jane Alisa said...

great goals & pictures! Have a happy 4th of July .x.

erika sorocco said...

LOVE this post. I'm off to buy a few pairs of tights today myself - I think they'll look adorable underneath cut-off denim shorts with boots and a boyfriend tee. And, of course, lots and lots of jewelry! :)

Happy, Happy 4th of July! :)

Blanca del Río said...

great pics, like the models and looks that you choose ;)

DEA said...

The second pic in black and white is gorgeous! :D I would do anything to get those clothes. You´ve got a nice blog. xxx

Suzanne said...

- Lose 10 pounds! Haha
- Enjoy every minute
- Go to as much parties as you can
- Sleep at the beach

Great post, Carrie!


Anonymous said...

ahhh these pictures are to die for
lovingg that stationary and the gown in the first picture
love your goals..good luck!

check out my blog @

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Great goals. I love all the pics. ;)
And I need to get my hands on those cocktail party invitations. Soooo freaking COOL!! Love 'em!

Unknown said...

those are some pretty good goals! i'm going to step-up my museum visits too...going to the Met when i go to NYC in august!

Susan said...

I know it sounds kinda stupid but I love making lists... love your list, too :)
have a happy weekend; hope you are having a big BBQ somewhere today! :)

Haute World said...

I'm loving these lists! Terrific goals... I hope you do get to the warehouse sales and get to host the parties and picnics you're planning. And you're right, those invitations are so cute! Hope you're having a lovely 4th of July weekend :)

Sasi said...

Happy 4th of July, Carrie!

I want to have a fabulous cocktail party and a picnic, too :)

Concerning my holidays, I think I'm gonna relax at the sea. I live just 10 minutes far from the beach:)

HiFashion said...

Love your goals. I'm going to have to follow the one about having a cocktail party and have a posh picnic.

Ash Fox said...

love your summer goals. if you make it to the Barney's sale i will totally join you.

Make Do Style said...

Great goals and fabulously portrayed!

Miranda said...

totally with you on half of these

Angela said...

fab summer goal. happy 4th sweetie.

Miranda said...

you got that bikini!
have fun with it
i'm sure it looks amazinggg on you :)

Fastidious Babe said...

Loved them! i would love to visit NYC sometime soon! for now its beachin it and planning my fall wardrobe XD *falling head over heels over next season's trends*

TayMills said...

Just stumbled upon your blog, it's fantastic. Love your idea for the couture picnic, might have to consider doing one of those!

Laura y Lola said...

Love that leggings and lace!

Elizabeth Marie said...

LOVE this post CC! I want to go to the Barneys Sale in NYC too...making that one of my goals! And tanning with SPF! I ALMOST got that VS bikini, but I got the yellow instead and now I'm thinking hmmm....maybe I should go see if they have it? :)

Have a great 4th!! Loved this post so much! XOXO

K8 said...

Great goals! And one can be finished today! Happy 4th!

Fashion Moment said...

Oh, so awesome post! Thank you for linking me, darling!


TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

love all the goals... I will go with you to NYC :) and I totally need to organize my itunes, along with everything else on this messy computer! Hope you're having a fabulous day! :) Love all of the swim suits.

DaisyChain said...

fantastic goals =)

Nemerae said...

Nice pics! the 10th is my fav, and the beach is such a beautiful one...
Thanks for your lovely comment =)

MizzJ said...

Those are some pretty good goals! I especially love the fancy cocktail party and picnic ideas, I might have to steal those for my own summer list haha. My goals this summer are just to relax and have as much fun as possible, go to some sort of outdoor festival, walk or run the seawall(this 10K boardwalk running along the coast line of downtown Vancouver).

Ana said...

I'm also doing this now:
5) Have a fabulous cocktail party, just for the gals.

have fun!!

MissBliss said...

hi, Carrie!

Great pics... love the bikini and the beach...

the road lines one is very cool, too!!!

Gabbi said...

Great idea to set summer goals! Will have to try to do the same... I love your picnic, museum idea and pink polka dot bikini especially.

Wishing you a fantastic 4th of July!


Pau(Rox) said...

Happy 4th of July !!!
Love your summer goals ;)
XOX wapa

Jadore-Fashion said...

awesome photos, am with you on the wearing leggings. happy 4th!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ooooooooo, please take pics of your posh picnic!!


I love your list! (: I posted mine a while back, but I guess I'll add getting my abs back! (: Haha

La C.

HoneyBunny said...

This is so lovely, CC! Love your list and the photos are just stunning!

Sierra said...

Love your goals and that last picture with the flag and boat is so amazing! Happy 4th of July darling!

Syed said...

I so need to organize my iTunes lol, it's an absolute mess! Yum, those floral tights look stunning, and I loove the heels. And I am planning a serious museum catch up this summer, hopefully hitting everyone in London I can. Hope you're having a beautiful 4th of July dear :)

Diego R. Wyatt said...

Happy Day of Independence CC! These goals are great. I have to shake this Spring Fever off and get back to my museum hopping and photo exhibit wandering. Those plumparty invites are great!

Ela said...

Did you say Barney's Warehouse Sale??? Oh, please share the details I'd definitely make a trip to NY for that! #10 sounds delightful!

My goal...was to get back to the gym so my arms don't look like plump sausages when I wear fitted long sleeve tops. Was doing well - 3x/wk and then I missed a day...all it takes is one day to throw you off!

Have a fab weekend! xx Ela

caroline said...

fashionable goals are the best kind ever! i'm working on wearing ALL the clothes i packed for my vacation...usually doesn't happen, but this time will be different! good luck with all your fun goals and HAPPY 4th!!!

Cassiopeia said...

Yay for posh picnics! I'm just trying to get enough sleep while working, living and raving in London ;-D Xxxc

Anonymous said...

Fabulous goals, of course!
Love the idea of revamping some old cardigans with buttons, ribbons, etc. - definitely something I would love to do this summer!

WendyB said...

Sigh, I don't know what my goals are. Is that bad.?

S said...

Great list! I just organized my iTunes and it took days and days to put all my CDs on there and create some playlists. Very satisfying to have finished. Also love the embellishment of tank tops with ribbons, etc. Fantastic!

Happy 4th.

PS... I've put you in my blogroll

Anonymous said...

Now, I want to write down some summer goals! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!

La Belette Rouge said...

I love your summer goals. This is the second post today that discussed this topic. Very inspiring. Thank you!

Please share your playlist. I am hopeless at developing them.

Have a very happy 4th! Good luck with all your very chic and fashionable goals.

Anonymous said...

I love all your goals--I definitely am an need of throwing an all girls soiree! And of course, a day at the beach sounds divine :-)

Unknown said...

I need to finish sewing 2 skirts I started. Finish the lake house. convince hubby that every 40 yr old woman deserves a mercedes LOL!

Have a happy 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

Those tights she is wearing is just OFF THE HOOK! I love em! Happy 4th darling!

Etrapar said...

a fashionable weekend for you too!

Raez said...

fab photos and goals! i am never withought my sunscrenn:) SPF 45 ofcourse;)

xx raez

Swetha said...

i wish i where every outfit in your post!!

preppygoesrock said...

you had me at barneys sale!!! you can forget abt the rest not just this one!
check out my blog

Monica said...

I like your #6-- I love museums. I hope you achieved your goal of having a great 4th of July.

yiqin; said...

My goal is to wear a bikini too! I am just not so comfortable wit my body :/

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Fabulous goals and post!!
Hmm my goals for this season
I will get back to you!!


P.S. beautiful photos. said...

Great pics and Happy belated 4th of July darling CC!


Unknown said...

Yes, yes, and YES to "Be a more frequent museum-goer".Especially since Metropolitan Museum of Art has opened fantastic "Model A s A Muse" exhibition. Fantastic "to do" list!

Unknown said...

i love the goals you have set! hopefully in the future i'll be able to set goals like that where i can accomplish myself, but since i'm a little young here's what i'm focusing on right now: my goals this summer is to get in shape, get a great tan, learn to be a better swimmer, do excellent on my dance line team, and last but not least, keep working on my blog!

Rebirth said...

i missed the contest!!! :( i love ur goals....cocktail party!!! can i come? lol.....
and barneys sale? jealous! Have a great week

Gabbi said...

Great theme! I love that DSquared2 tennis print bow blouse... ♥♥

Eda said...

Great list!

Siljesfashion said...

What a fashionable picnic that would be. Hope you had an amzing 4th!

T said...

I love your list!

Noble Beeyotch said...

nice the pics especially the beach ones!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Great goals! I plan to get outside as much as possible with proper SPF of course! :)

Jim @ said...

Great idea on the summer season goals, I need to do that; I liked the beach photo, reminded me of Bermuda.

Aline said...

these are all such fab goals!

Little Bow Prep said...

Cute cocktail party invites :)

Parasols and posh picnics- alliteration and darling ideas FTW!

Alya said...

Love the images.. So colorul :)

By the way, I've got a pair of Current/Elliott jeans to give away at my blog. Come check it out!

Anonymous said...

When fashion help resolution ? ^^

Fantastic points, really x)

Amazing Style said...

taking a break from work (yes i am a workaholic and i also work from home and i cannot stop) i have seen the picture with the the autumn has come and it's so cold, stop torturing me